Multimedia Technology презентация

Multimedia Technology graphics text video sound animation applies interactive computer elements

Слайд 1Multimedia Technology

Слайд 2Multimedia Technology

applies interactive computer elements

Слайд 3
Multimedia technology refers to interactive, computer-based applications that allow people to

communicate ideas and information with digital and print elements. Professionals in the field use computer software to develop and manage online graphics and content.

Слайд 4In 3D computer graphics, 3D modeling (or three-dimensional modeling) is the

process of developing a mathematical representation of any three-dimensional surface of an object (either inanimate or living) via specialized software. The product is called a 3D model. It can be displayed as a two-dimensional image through a process called 3D rendering or used in a computer simulation of physical phenomena. The model can also be physically created using 3D printing devices.

Слайд 6Models
3D models represent a physical body using a collection of points

in 3D space, connected by various geometric entities such as triangles, lines, curved surfaces, etc. Being a collection of data (points and other information), 3D models can be created by hand, algorithmically (procedural modeling), or scanned. Their surfaces may be further defined with texture mapping.

3D models are widely used anywhere in 3D graphics and CAD. Actually, their use predates the widespread use of 3D graphics on personal computers. Many computer games used pre-rendered images of 3D models as sprites before computers could render them in real-time.

Слайд 7Today, 3D models are used in a wide variety of fields.

Слайд 8Almost all 3D models can be divided into two categories.

Слайд 9Multimedia is content that uses a combination of different content forms

such as text, audio, images, animation, video and interactive content. Multimedia contrasts with media that use only rudimentary computer displays such as text-only or traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material.

Слайд 11In computing, external storage comprises devices that temporarily store information for

transporting from computer to computer. Such devices are not permanently fixed inside a computer.

Advantages of external storage:

External storage devices provides additional storage other than that available in computer.
Data can be transported easily from one place to another.
It is useful to store software and data that is not needed frequently.
External storage also works as data back up.
This back up may prove useful at times such as fire or theft because important data is not lost.

Слайд 12standard programs for working with sound
GOM Player
Power DVD
Windows Media Player
Sound Forge


Слайд 14How to use Windows Movie Maker?
Open the program and start a

new project by going to File > New Project. Save your new project under any name you’d like, and choose a destination for the project to save to. We recommend saving as often as possible while working to avoid losing any editing progress–in the event the program or operating system crashes or freezes.

Windows Movie Maker has three regions you use while editing your video. The top of the program is the Ribbon and it’s where you’ll access the various editing tools such as transitions, effects, captions, audio levels, and more. You’ll also add any video, photos, or audio via the add tool located on the Ribbon and can quickly save your project with the disk icon located there as well.

Below the Ribbon and to the left side of the program is the preview window. The preview window is where you view the video playback of your project and can see what the sequence would look like as a finished product. You can use the rewind, fast forward, or play button in the preview window and can also toggle full screen view for your preview.

Слайд 15Splitting clips
Trimming clips
Adjusting audio levels
Adding transitions
Adding effects
Removing transitions and effects
Adding a

movie title
Adding captions
Publishing to social media sites
Saving the movie to your computer
Burning the movie to DVD on Windows Media Player

What you can do in Windows movie maker?

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