Huawei takes the lead in creating a converged ecosystem of partners to keep cities safe презентация

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Huawei takes the lead in creating a converged ecosystem of partners

to keep cities safe

By: Nisanbay N.

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Forging new partnerships to deliver its end-to-end

Safe Campus solution at InterSec 2018
By 2050 more than nine billion people will inhabit the earth, over half of whom will live in cities. Challenges such as overcrowding, terrorism, transport and utilities infrastructure and many others will require solutions localized to each city’s priorities. At Intersec 2018 in Dubai, Huawei, the leading global ICT solutions provider, announced new partnerships with ICT players in the Middle East to deliver tailored public safety solutions that cater to specific industry needs in order to meet the demands of increased urbanization in the face of smart city transformation.

Слайд 3Bringing together extremely high-quality video imaging, intelligent analytics software and a

unifying cloud platform to create solutions for different vertical scenarios, Huawei unveiled its end-to-end Safe Campus solution, which empowers local authorities to better protect their people.
The new solution is built on a cloud-based ecosystem that brings together a number of partners, working collaboratively to support the safety of citizens. Huawei works with regional systems integrator partner Visiontech and global technology partners Hexagon, SAP; iOmniscient for AI-based video analytics; Ipsotek and Vi Dimensions for smart video surveillance; Milestone for video management software; Vidsys for its Converged Security and Information Management (CSIM) software platform; and Zenith for number plate recognition technology.

Слайд 4Huawei and its partners also conducted a workshop at Intersec on

the latest video cloud and intelligent video surveillance technologies and how they are simplifying the process of the prevention and investigation of crimes.

Слайд 5Hazem Bazan, Vice President of Channels & Commercial Sales for Huawei

Enterprise, Middle East said, “Huawei believes that governments, private organizations and citizens need to work hand in hand to make their cities safer. As an enabler in the ongoing digital transformation in the Middle East, we are doing our part to empower our partners to support local government authorities in solving the unique security problems cities face. In line with our strategy of building a collaborative ecosystem, we bring together the smartest minds to create and deploy the most intelligent networks and technologies to improve the safety and security of people.”

Слайд 7Han Bowen, Marketing Director of Video Surveillance Product Department, Huawei, delivered

a keynote at the Intersec Artificial Intelligence and Information Security Conference about AI-based algorithms that combine big data, deep learning and strong computing power to deliver a more intelligent network that is essential to a safe city ecosystem.
Huawei’s Safe City solutions currently serve more than 800 million people in 200 cities across 80 countries and regions in Europe, Africa, and Asia-Pacific.`

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