The European Union (EU). The World’s Strongest Supranational Organization презентация

Слайд 1The European Union (EU)
The World’s Strongest Supranational Organization

Слайд 2

Слайд 328 countries of The EU

Слайд 4Symbols of The EU
The European flag

The Europe Day

The European anthem

In 1972, the Council of Europe adopted Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" theme as its anthem.

The EU motto

Слайд 5Institutions of the EU
1.The European Commission
5.The European Central Bank
6.The Court

of Auditors

2.The Council of the European Union

4.The Court of Justice of the European Union

7.The European Parliament

3.The European Council

Слайд 6The Euro

Слайд 73 intermediate objectives

Effective application of EU rules on worker protection and

Shared understanding and ownership of EU objectives
Effective partnerships

Слайд 85 immediate objectives
Effective information sharing and learning
Evidence-based EU policies and

Integration of cross-cutting issues and consistency

Слайд 9Thank You for Attention
Made by Araks Martirosyan

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