Recreation and tourism in Arctic презентация

Слайд 1By Ekaterina A. Kosova
gr. 02606

Слайд 2Recreation and tourism in Arctic

Слайд 3 Contents:
1. History of arctic tourism
2. Arctic tourism abroad
USA (Alaska)
3. The Extreme North

of Russia

Слайд 4History of arctic tourism
The earliest Arctic tourists were individual

Слайд 5Mass tourism in the Arctic has thrived since from the middle

of the 18th century with the
development of sea, rail and air transport

Слайд 6Ar
All countries that have northern territories are developing Polar Tourism
Arctic tourism


Слайд 7 Arctic tourism abroad Norway
Visitors can partake in boat cruises along the spectacular

Spitsbergen coast

Слайд 8Glacier walks
Dog sledding

Слайд 9Sweden
Saami of northern
Northern lights

Слайд 11Finland
The Finnish capital of Lapland,
Rovaniemi is enjoys the status

the official
home of Santa Claus

Слайд 12Iceland
The Blue Lagoon, a geothermal spa resort

Слайд 13Greenland(Denmark)
Summer and winter activities
offered in North Greenland
range from dogsledding,

kayaking and helicopter tours.

Слайд 14USA (Alaska)
US tour operators offer special trips for fishermen and wildlife


Слайд 15Canada
Popular tourist activities in the
Arctic Canada are sea cruises,


Слайд 16The Extreme North of Russia
The most popular tour
to the North

for tourists is the tour:
Murmansk – Franz Josef Land –
North Pole – Murmansk

Слайд 17Thank you for your attention!

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