Liquidated damages in Russian contract law презентация

Plan: Definition; Attributes; Classification 1 (depending on the form of breach of contract); Classification 2 (depending on the grounds for invoking); Classification 3 (depending on the relationship of liquidated damages to

Слайд 1Liquidated damages in Russian contract law. Neustoika
Daria Zdanovich Tatiana Belova

Слайд 2Plan:
Classification 1 (depending on the form of breach of contract);
Classification 2

(depending on the grounds for invoking);
Classification 3 (depending on the relationship of liquidated damages to ordinary damages);

Слайд 3Definition
Liquidated damages (neustoika) – a monetary sum determined by a statute

or contract that a debtor must pay to the creditor in case of nonperformance or improper performance of an obligation.

Слайд 4Attributes:
a prior determination by the parties of liability upon conclusion of

the contract;
the amount of liability in the event of breach;
the possibility of collecting liquidated damages to be paid;
the possibility granted to the contracting parties to formulate all critical aspects of the liquidated damages to be paid (including the payment amount, relationship between liquidated damages and actual damages, the method of computing the liquidated damages amount).

Слайд 5Classification 1 (depending on the form of breach of contract)

Слайд 6Classification 2 (depending on the grounds for invoking)

Слайд 7Classification 3 (depending on the relationship of liquidated damages to ordinary


The amount of liquidated damages to be paid exceeds actual damages.

The contract posits only the payment of actual damages or liquidated damages.

The contract dictates liquidated damages over damages.

In addition to paying full damages the debtor also pays full liquidated damages.

Слайд 8Literature

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