Investor Presentation презентация

Future Capital Bitcoin Fund *The Fund is pre-registered as an Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnership (ESVCLP) under the Australian Venture Capital Act. Provides investors fully tax free returns (whether on

Слайд 1Investor Presentation
July 2014
“Bitcoin represents something fundamental and powerful”
– Fred Wilson,

Union Square Ventures

Слайд 2Future Capital Bitcoin Fund
*The Fund is pre-registered as an Early Stage

Venture Capital Limited Partnership (ESVCLP) under the Australian Venture Capital Act.
Provides investors fully tax free returns (whether on income or capital account) including dividends.
Potential investors should always obtain their own independent financial and taxation advice.

Слайд 3Overview

Слайд 4Why Bitcoin?

Слайд 5What VCs are saying about Bitcoin

Слайд 6…and they are putting their money in…

Bitcoin startups present a high

potential investment option

Слайд 7…and accelerating

2014 run rate of US$284m, almost 3x the 2013 total

investment of $99.5m


2013 Total

Note: *Includes first sequence venture deals but excludes late-stage 1995 internet investments ($257.6m). For additional disclosure on methodology see

Слайд 8Financial Institutions are watching

Слайд 9…and thought leaders are seeing promise

Слайд 10Opportunity Areas Bitcoin Aiming to Disrupt $457bn+ Total Market Cap
Source: CoinDesk, Wedbush

Securities – As at 8 April 2014

Слайд 11… offering large potential transaction cost savings
Source: Goldman Sachs Global Investment


Слайд 13Opportunity Areas Bitcoin Companies can be grouped into 6 categories

Слайд 14Bitcoin Penetration

Слайд 15As a “currency”, the price has recovered
Source: CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index

daily closing price (taken at 00:00 UTC)

Слайд 16… opinions vary on where it could be

Слайд 17While Bitcoin as money is small
Bitcoin is small compared to US,

Australian currencies

… but there are 100 countries that have a smaller currency supply than Bitcoin

Слайд 18Its use in commerce is growing
Approx. 60,000 merchants accept Bitcoin ...

mostly online

Physical businesses accepting Bitcoin

Слайд 19Bitcoin advancing on other networks
Source:, 30 April 2014

Слайд 20Bitcoin access by merchants and customers is becoming easier

Слайд 21The Opportunity

Слайд 22Investment Highlights
*The Fund is pre-registered as an Early Stage Venture Capital

Limited Partnership (ESVCLP) under the Australian Venture Capital Act.
Provides investors fully tax free returns (whether on income or capital account) including dividends.
Potential investors should always obtain their own independent financial and taxation advice.

Слайд 23Experienced Investment Team

Слайд 24Previous Investment Experience

Слайд 25Tax Free Returns*
Pre-registered as an Early Stage Venture Capital Limited Partnership

(ESVCLP) under the Australian Venture Capital Act 2002.
Provides investors fully tax free returns (whether on income or capital account) including dividends.
Potential investors should always obtain their own independent financial and taxation advice.


Слайд 26Fund Investment Allocation
Note: Series A,B,C represent successive follow-on funding rounds
Example based

on a $30m raising

Слайд 27Sample Opportunities

Слайд 28Open for Investment

Слайд 29Next Steps Participate in the global Bitcoin phenomenon

Слайд 30Overview

Слайд 31What is Bitcoin? A quick introduction
Bitcoin (BTC)

Слайд 32Getting Started How do I get Bitcoins?

Слайд 33Bitcoin for users Simple, frictionless transactions

Слайд 34Bitcoin for Business Enabling new markets, reducing admin costs

Слайд 36Attachments
BTC Criticism and History
BTC Mining Explained

Слайд 39Bitcoin Mining Creating Bitcoins by managing the network

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