Bitcoin: Passing Fad, Disruptive Technology? Either Way, It’s Now Taxable! презентация

Tom Hood, CPA, CITP, CGMA Tom Hood, CPA, CITP, CGMA CEO MACPA and Business Learning Institute (BLI) If there is a conversation about the future of

Слайд 1

Photo: Flickr BTC Keychain
Bitcoin: Passing Fad, Disruptive Technology? Either Way, It’s

Now Taxable!

Слайд 2Tom Hood, CPA, CITP, CGMA

Business Learning

Institute (BLI)

If there is a conversation about the future of the profession, you're bound to hear Hood's name mentioned as one of the people leading the way.
– Accounting Today Magazine

Named the Second Most Influential in Accounting by Accounting Today Magazine 2013
Linked-In Top 150 Influencer
Top 25 Influencers in Learning & HR by HR Examiner
Top 25 Thought Leaders in Public Accounting by CPA Practice Adviser
Working on Learning Management with AICPA/CPA2Biz, Cloud Curriculum, Performance Management

Слайд 34 Careers Bitcoin can Disrupt
Armored Car Drivers

Слайд 4Is Bitcoin a bubble?
Source: CoinDesk
Closing Price $817.12 as of Dec

30, 2013

Слайд 5Bitcoin Theft Makes Headlines
Bitcoin hit new low of $557.40 on news

of Mt. Gox (Japanese) Bitcoin Exchange theft of Bitcoins.

Слайд 6More Bad News: Apple removes Block Chain from App Store

Слайд 7Bitcoin Price 3/30/14
Down 43% since year-end
Source: CoinDesk

Слайд 8How a Bitcoin Transaction Works
Source: PC World – 7 Things You

Need to Know About Bitcoin

Слайд 9How Bitcoins are Circulated & Used
Source: GAO Report

Слайд 10Bitcoin Transaction Documentation
Source: Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

this replace the general ledger for documenting transactions?

Слайд 11Congress, GAO, FBI, and Treasury Study Virtual Currencies
Congress started studying the economic

and tax issues with a hearing by a Joint Economic Task Force on April 1, 2008 to the GAO report on May 15, 2013. The FBI, Treasury and the National Taxpayer Advocate all were investigating the fast growing economies of virtual goods and virtual currencies that started with World of Warcraft & Second Life.

Слайд 12IRS Issues Virtual Currency Guidance on March 25, 2014

Слайд 13Three Types of Virtual Currency Systems
Source: GAO Report
Generally not taxable
Most likely


Could have taxable issues

Слайд 14Virtual Currency Tax Issues
Taxpayer lack of knowledge about tax requirements
Uncertainty over

how to characterize income
Uncertainty over how to calculate basis for gains (capital gains / barter)
Challenges with third-party reporting (1099s)

Source: GAO Report

Слайд 157 Things to Know About Bitcoin
Bitcoins are created, traded and controlled

by the people
We’re definitely in a Bitcoin bubble
You can mine Bitcoins but the gold rush is over
Most major retailers don’t accept Bitcoins
Bitcoins aren’t protected or insured by anyone
Nobody knows who really created Bitcoin
Bitcoins aren’t the first virtual currency and won’t be the last

Source: PC World – 7 Things you need to know about Bitcoin by Alex Wawro

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