Boomerang Adults презентация

BOOMERANG ADULTS With Parents or Alone? Building a Healthy Relationship in a Changing World.

With Parents or Alone?
Building a Healthy Relationship in

Changing World.

Слайд 3“emerging adulthood”—the life stage from about 18 to 30
adolescence – the

usually between the ages of 12 and 18

Слайд 4Boomerang adults
The planners
expect to return home and to live there until

they feel financially prepared to live on their own.

The strugglers
simply go home. They don’t want to struggle alone and need the security of home.

Слайд 5 The UK adult sons and daughters returning under the parental roof

Слайд 6Russia

Слайд 7Should Parents Decide Their Child’s Future?

Слайд 8 Your Future… Could you live in one of these?

Слайд 9Adults in their twenties living with parents in Australia

Слайд 10Boomerang Adults…
Home is the place when you go there, they have

to take you in.

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