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yesterday's Future has became a real one with great problems
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6 components - 6 continents - 6 parts of the Earth
House. Such a House exists in our Planetary consciousness! But, being built in reality, it will help convey the idea of everyone s joining for the future
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The building for states is built, there is a rostrum for
politicians, but it does not solve general human problems.
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But, for the tasks facing humanity, it is necessary not just
a new building, it is necessary a new planetary Vision, Consciousness, Understanding, Ethics.
We need a new Planetary Architecture. The necessary new Planetary Policy!
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Planetary Architecture will help develop
this Planetary Policy!
The Earth House
is a space for creating
a system of
in the interests of sustainable development
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The EARTH HOUSE will be built together and even on the
principles of Kraudfanding
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The Earth House may become
a new geographical opening for the
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The highest goal of humanity - the preservation of Earth civilization
- can be achieved solely through the transformation of the Earthly spontaneous civilization into an Earthly controlled civilization, or the transition from the era of the Earthly spontaneous civilization to the age of the Earthly controlled civilization.
Слайд 11The model of the controlled world with a system of generalized
parameters opens unusually wide possibilities for studying and scientific construction of the controlled world, or Earthly controlled civilization..
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Criterion one. The interaction between all mankind and the entire biosphere
of the Earth will be harmonious if the power density of the anthropogenic pressure does not exceed approximately 70 kW / km
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The second criterion:
Interactions within the world society will be harmonious if
the index of socio-economic disharmony of society does not exceed 10-15.
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The internal contradictory world society, in principle, can neither achieve sustainable
development, nor come to the noosphere, nor create an Earthly controlled civilization.
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Humanity has come to the last point –
a global catastrophe.
Urgent countermeasures of a giant scale are needed.
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In a modern, transcendental world, going to a global catastrophe, globalization
is the primary methodological approach, and a policy based on globalism is secondary.
Слайд 17We propose to create a global system for monitoring and neutralizing
threats to humanity, this will contribute to the growth of people's well-being in different parts of the world and help support the overall strategic balance in the world.
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To create an all-encompassing platform with the invitation of countries, a
scientific community with the goal of developing space potential and monitoring the challenges of the universe.
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We are convinced that the UN plays a central role in
the direction of the world agenda.
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At the same time, it is only through the development of
a regional network that it is possible to resolve or concentrate thoughts and research on world-wide challenges.
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In addition, we believe that the Regional Center for Cooperation of
the House of Earth should not be limited to scientific research and recommendations, the extensive experience of cultural contacts, the dialogue of academic circles and politicians, governments, the exchange of cadres in solving global problems of the present.
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The human genius must break the destructive course of world history.
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Mentors " Earth House" project:
O. Slyusarenko
Y. Avksentyev
N. Adaschik