Green parties of Kazakhstan презентация

Environmental problem is one of the global issues in the contemporary international relations. According to the conclusions of experts, Environment the situation in a number of regions Kazakhstan is currently not

Слайд 1Green parties of Kazakhstan

Слайд 2

Слайд 3Environmental problem is one of the global issues in the contemporary

international relations. According to the conclusions of experts, Environment the situation in a number of regions
Kazakhstan is currently not only unfortunate, but even catastrophic. To do this, in Kazakhstan there are economic as a party, "Nevada-Semipalatinsk", "Komitet nature", "Atameken", "Altyn Besik", "Shanyrak", "Zheruyik"

Слайд 4At the end of 1990th common amount ecological motion 70 it

was, their primary objective is a decision of certain local problem

Слайд 6Thank you for attention!!!

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