Winners : 2014 The British Wildlife Photography Awards презентация

Слайд 1Winners : 2014 The British Wildlife Photography Awards

Слайд 2The British Wildlife Photography Awards celebrates both the work of amateur

and professional photographers who have captured the beauty and diversity of British wildlife. The winning picture ‘The Tourist’ (above) was taken by Lee Acaster. His image depicts a Greylag Goose in London. "It was a real privilege to have such a close encounter with a wild bird in the very heart of London," explains Lee Acaster. "I vividly remember the excitement I felt as she patiently waited for me to get the shot, and I knew immediately this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, I’m just grateful that she didn't lose interest as quickly as my children do when I’m taking photographs of them."

Overall Winner: The Tourist by Lee Acaster

Слайд 3Habitat Winner: A Life at Sea - Nesting Gannets, Shetland Isles

by Ruth Asher

Слайд 4Seasons Winner: Spring is in the Air by Andrew Parkinson

Слайд 5Seasons Winner: Summer is in the Air by Andrew Parkinson

Слайд 6Seasons Winner: Autumn is in the Air by Andrew Parkinson

Слайд 7Seasons Winner: Winter is in the Air by Andrew Parkinson

Слайд 8Behaviour Winner: Otter and Puffin by Richard Shucksmith

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Animal Behaviour Highly Commended. I Wanna Hold your Hand, Starlings, Aberystwyth,

Wales. Izzy Standbridge.

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Animal Behaviour Highly Commended. Brown Hare Side Leap, Suffolk. England. Michael


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Animal Behaviour Highly Commended. Underwater Toad Ballet, Sheffield. England. Paul Hobson.

Слайд 12Wild Woods Winner: Autumn Jewels by Peter Cairns

Слайд 13Coast and Marine Winner: Big Blues by Alexander Mustard

Слайд 14Coast and Marine Highly Commended. Edge of the World Jellyfish, Harris,

Scotland. Cyril Chevillot.

Слайд 15Coast and Marine Highly Commended. Shrimp in Snakelock Anemone, Devon, England

.Trevor Rees.

Слайд 16Hidden Britain Winner: Window Gnat by Susie Hewitt

Слайд 17Documentary Winner: Hazel Dormouse Monitoring by Nick Upton

Слайд 18Portraits Winner: Shag resting - Farne Islands, Northumberland by Steven Fairbrother

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Animal Portraits Highly Commended. Grey Heron Applying the Brakes, Regents Park,

London ,England. Gerard Sexton.

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Animal Portraits Highly Commended. Northern Gannet on Sandstone Cliff, Shetland Isles,

Scotland. Andrew Mason.

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Animal Portraits Highly Commended. A Quick Glance, Red Fox, Surrey, England.

Alannah Hawker.

Слайд 22

Animal Portraits Highly Commended. Hungry Vole, Oxfordshire. England, Jamie Unwin.

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Animal Portraits Highly Commended. The King of Rannoch Moor and Glencoe,

Scotland. Keith Thorburn

Слайд 24Portraits Highly Commended: Waving Seal by Luke Wilkinson

Слайд 25Portraits Highly Commended: Badger - Brock over Brook by Russell Savory

Слайд 26Portraits Commended: Owl by Matt Binstead

Слайд 27Black & White Winner: Blue on Black, blue shark by Alexander


Слайд 28Black & White Commended: Swan in Morning Mist by Andrew Kaplan

Слайд 29Close to Nature Winner: Grey Seal Claws by Jim Greenfield

Слайд 30Botanical Winner: Green and red telephone box by Philip Braude

Слайд 31Under 12 Winner: Dipper with Grubs by William Bowcutt, 11

Слайд 32Age 12 to 18 Winner: On the Prowl by Joshua Burch,


Слайд 332014 Travel Photo Contest (The Washington Post)

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Natalie Fay Green, Bethesda
2014 Travel Photo Contest (The Washington Post)

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Second place (tie)
Kathleen Weinheimer, Alexandria

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Second place (tie)
S. A. Hopkins, Richmond

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Third place
Tim Auer, Mountain View, Calif.

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Honorable mentions
Kathy Hornsby, Williamsburg, Va.

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Libby Zhang, Sugar Land, Tex.

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Lisa Marie Allen, Washington

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Hai Duong, Silver Spring, Md.

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Alexander Tsao, Ashburn, Va.

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Andy Gallacher, Miami

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Christina Ames, Springfield, Va.

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Brent Dwayne Osborne, New York

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Joseph Daragan, Arlington

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Patricia Anderson, Pinehurst, N.C.

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Harold Ashby, Sarasota, Fla.
9/02/2014 王文堯 Kaohsiung Taiwan R.O.C
All photos were

taken from BWPA,telegraph, The Washington Post.


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