PowerPoint Show by Andrew презентация

Слайд 1PowerPoint Show by Andrew

Слайд 2More than 50,000 people have lost their lives across the country

in a nearly-continuous string of shootouts, bombings, and ever-bloodier murders.

Just last weekend, 49 decapitated bodies were reportedly discovered on a highway in northern Mexico. The New York Times reports on an increasing numbness and apathy among Mexicans after years of worsening carnage, about which they've been able to do virtually nothing.

Gathered here is a collection of photographs from Mexico's drug war and the people so horribly affected by it.

Слайд 3 Some photos are VERY disturbing!

Слайд 4Soldiers of the Army, Navy and members of Federal Police patrol

the streets of Veracruz after a rising tide of violence plaguing this tourist city.

Слайд 5 The body of a man lies behind the steering

wheel inside a car in Acapulco.

Слайд 6Morgue workers place a coffin holding an unidentified body into a

grave at San Rafael cemetery on the outskirts of the border city of Ciudad Juarez.

Слайд 7 At least 6,000

rifles and pistols seized from drugs cartels
were destroyed by members of the Mexican Army.

Слайд 8 Jose Lopez Tapia, 8,

rests in hospital after he and his mother
were attacked in Ciudad Juarez.

Слайд 9Mexican marines escort Marcos Jesus Hernandez Rodriguez, aka "El Chilango", alleged

leader of assassins and member of the Los Zetas drug cartel, in Veracruz state, during his presentation for the press in Mexico City.

Слайд 10A young man lies dead next to a skateboard and a

bicycle after unknown gunmen opened fire in the eastern part of Saltillo, Mexico.

Слайд 11Firefighters remove the body of a man hanging from a bridge

in Ciudad Juarez. The body was found hanging by its neck on a bridge. The body showed signs of torture and the head was covered with duct tape.

Слайд 12 Mexican soldiers

burn marijuana plants in a field, in
Los Algodones community, Culiacan, Sinaloa State.

Слайд 13 Pictures of victims of violence are hung on the facades

and walls of houses
in the neighborhood of Cerro Gordo in Ecatepec, outside Mexico City.

Слайд 14 The body of a dead

man, a rifle next to him, lies in a field after
a shootout with police on the outskirts of Monterrey.

Слайд 15A soldier stands guard inside a chemical drug processing laboratory discovered

in Tlajomulco de Zuniga, on the outskirts of Guadalajara.

Слайд 16 Violence in Ciudad Juarez has changed the lives

of its residents, where
many have fled. Among those who remain, anxious mothers look for
missing daughters and family members.

Слайд 17 Blood flows near the arm of a killed

boy, on the pavement in Acapulco.

Слайд 18An unidentified woman weeps for her relatives at the scene where

gunmen attacked a tow truck business in the resort city of Acapulco.

Слайд 19Two men with their hands tied behind their back and with

their faces covered with duct tape lie by the side of the road in the city of Veracruz.

Слайд 20 Police

stand next to the body of a dead colleague in
Ixtapaluca, on the outskirts of Mexico City.

Слайд 21 A forensic technician holds

the head of a woman at a crime
scene in San Pedro on the outskirts of Monterrey.

Слайд 22 Pallbearers carry the coffin of Regina

Martinez, a journalist and
correspondent for the Mexican magazine Proceso, as friends and
family members attend her funeral in Xalapa.

Слайд 23 The body of a

man, covered by a cloth in a restaurant after
he was shot by unknown assailants in Acapulco.

Слайд 24 Fliers for missing people hang on the door of

the city morgue in Acapulco.

Слайд 25The body of a young man who was shot several times,

reflected in a mirror next to an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe inside a bus in Acapulco.

Слайд 26 Demonstrators march to protest against violence

in Mexico City.

Слайд 27 The body of a man killed in a suspected

drug-related execution lies along
the path where he was shot on March 1, 2012 in Acapulco.

Слайд 28Medical workers stand next to the bodies of 10 men and

one woman, discovered in a pile near a well in Valle de Chalco, Mexico.

Слайд 30 A suspected drug-related execution victim

lies on Acapulco's
famous Caleta Beach.

Слайд 31 A woman covers her daughter with a towel as

they walk past a crime scene
in the municipality of San Nicolas de los Garza, neighboring Monterrey.

Слайд 32A forensic technician sweeps blood off a street at a crime

scene in Monterrey.

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