GERMANY. November 1989.Raymond Depardon презентация


GERMANY. November 1989.Raymond Depardon

Слайд 1GERMANY. November 1989.Raymond Depardon

Слайд 2GERMANY. November 1989.Raymond Depardon

Слайд 325th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall:

November 1989, Berlin

in Magnum photographers’ eyes

Слайд 4BERLIN From the great archive of Magnum Photos, here some snaps

that tell about the days and the nights of celebration and freedom, begun on 9th November 1989.
A historic date for the whole world because the government of East Germany (DDR: Deutsche Demokratische Republik) decreed the opening of the borders with West Germany (BRD: Bundesrepublik Deutschland). So, the Berlin Wall (die Berliner Mauer) – built by DDR to stop people fleeing from East to West, and that has divided the city for 28 years, from 13th August 1961 to 9th November 1989 – becomes an emblematic place for humanity.
Germany was officially reunified on 3rd October 1990.

Слайд 5GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Three days

after the borders between east and West Berlin open, East German guards remove revellers from the top of the Wall. November 12th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 6GERMANY. West Berlin. Brandenburg Gate. Morning of November 11th, 1989. Raymond


Слайд 7GERMANY. The fall of the Berlin Wall. November 11, 1989. A

crack in the Berlin Wall becomes a symbol of new freedom between East and West. Raymond Depardon

Слайд 8GERMANY. The fall of the Berlin Wall. November 11, 1989. Raymond


Слайд 9GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Crowds on

top of the Berlin Wall the morning after the opening of the border. November 10th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 10GERMANY. The fall of the Berlin Wall. November 1989. Raymond Depardon

Слайд 11GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Three days

after the borders between east and West Berlin open, East German guards protect chunks of the Wall. November 12th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 12GERMANY. The fall of the Berlin Wall. November 1989. Raymond Depardo

Слайд 13GERMANY. The fall of the Berlin Wall. November 11th. 1989. People

climbing on and over the wall between East and West Berlin. Raymond Depardon

Слайд 14GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Crowds during

the immediate aftermath of the opening of the Berlin Wall at Checkpoint Charlie at midnight on November 9th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 15GERMANY. West Berlin. West Berliner border guards stand aside to welcome

East Berliners crossing into the west, in the immediate aftermath of the opening of the Berlin Wall at Checkpoint Charlie, midnight, 9 November 1989 Mark Power

Слайд 16GERMANY. West Berlin. Celebrations at Checkpoint Charlie, midnight, 9 November 1989

Mark Power

Слайд 17GERMANY. West Berlin. East Berliners crossing into the west, Checkpoint Charlie,

midnight, 9 November 1989 Mark Power

Слайд 18GERMANY. West Berlin. Crowds on top of the wall the morning

after the opening of the border, 10 November 1989 Mark Power

Слайд 19GERMANY. West Berlin. Crowds gather in the streets to welcome visitors

from the East. Raymond Depardon

Слайд 20GERMANY. West Berlin. November 11, 1989. A crack in the Berlin

Wall becomes a symbol of new freedom between East and West. Raymond Depardon

Слайд 21GERMANY. The fall of the Berlin Wall. November 1989. Parts of

the wall have become valuable souvenirs.

Слайд 22GERMANY. The fall of the Berlin Wall. November 11th, 1989. A

young man bridges the wall between East and West Berlin. Raymond Depardon

Слайд 23GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Crowds during

the immediate aftermath of the opening of the Berlin Wall at Checkpoint Charlie at midnight on November 9th 1989. First edition of newspaper proclaims “Die Mauer ist Weg. Berlin ist Wieder Berlin” (The Wall has Gone. Berlin is Again Berlin). Mark Power

Слайд 24GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. An East

German celebrates. November 9th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 25GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Crowds during

the immediate aftermath of the opening of the Berlin Wall at Checkpoint Charlie at midnight on November 9th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 26GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Crowds during

the immediate aftermath of the opening of the Berlin Wall at Checkpoint Charlie at midnight on November 9th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 27GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. A couple

climb to the top of the Wall the morning after the opening of the border. November 10th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 28GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Crowds on

top of the Berlin Wall the morning after the opening of the border. November 10th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 29GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. East German

border guards watch over crowds gathered on top of the Berlin Wall. The day after the opening of the border, November 10th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 30GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. The press

gather to watch East Germans cross the border into the West. November 10th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 31GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. A tourist

visits the Wall two days after the borders between East and West opened. November 11th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 32GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Three days

after the borders between east and West Berlin open. November 12th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 33GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Tourists visit

the Wall four days after the borders between East and West Berlin open. November 13th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 34GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Memorial to

Peter Fechter, one of the first victims of the Berlin Wall’s border guards, killed while trying to escape to the West on 17 August 1962. The memorial reads: ‘ “Help Me” the 18-year-old young man cried. For 50 minutes he had been lying there bleeding to death, without medical assistance, and without the guards leaving their hiding-places. Risking their lives, West Berlin policemen tried to throw first-aid packets to him. But he was too weak. He was dying when he was at last carried away’. November 14th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 35GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Five days

after the borders between East and West open, East Berliners continue to pour into West Berlin. November 14th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 36GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Seven days

after the borders between East and West open, tourists continue to visit the wall. November 16th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 37GERMANY. Berlin. The wall. 1989. Guy Le Querrec

Слайд 38GERMANY. East Berlin. Brandenburg Gate. 31 december 1989. Guy Le Querrec

Слайд 39GERMANY. Berlin.December 1989. Person chipping pieces of the wall for souvenirs.

Steve McCurry

Слайд 40GERMANY. West Berlin. Graffiti on the Berlin Wall. 1989. Bruno Barbey

Слайд 41GERMANY. Berlin. 1989. The Berlin Wall. David Alan Harvey

Слайд 42GERMANY. Berlin. 1989. The Berlin Wall. West Berliners demonstrate in front

of wall. Gilles Peress

Слайд 43GERMANY. Fall of the Berlin Wall, November, 1989. Steve McCurry

Слайд 44GERMANY. Fall of the Berlin Wall, November, 1989. Steve McCurry

Слайд 45GERMANY. Fall of the Berlin Wall, November, 1989. Steve McCurry

Слайд 46GERMANY. Fall of the Berlin Wall, November, 1989. Steve McCurry

Слайд 47GERMANY. Fall of the Berlin Wall, November, 1989. Steve McCurry

Слайд 48GERMANY. The fall of the Berlin Wall. November 1989. Raymond Depardon

Слайд 49GERMANY. The fall of the Berlin Wall. November 1989. Raymond Depardon

Слайд 50GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. West Germans

climb the Wall. November 10th 1989. Mark Powe

Слайд 51GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Three days

after the borders between east and West Berlin open. November 12th 1989.Mark Power

Слайд 52GERMANY. West Berlin. The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Seven days

after the borders between East and West open. November 16th 1989. Mark Power

Слайд 53GERMANY. The fall of the Berlin Wall. November 1989. Raymond Depardon

Слайд 54GERMANY. Berlin wall, near the Brandenburg Gate, sunday 31th December, 1989

(around midnight). Guy Le Querrec


Слайд 55cast

November 1989, Berlin in Magnum photographers’ eyes
images and text credit   www.
  Music Scorpions
  created o.e. thanks for watching

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