7 Photography Tips to Create The Perfect Shot презентация

Capture the moment like a pro! To shoot professional quality photography, use the following tips to get the best results.

Слайд 17 Photography Tips to Create The Perfect Shot

Слайд 2Capture the moment like a pro!
To shoot professional quality photography, use

the following tips to get the best results.

Слайд 3#1 Staying Photo Accurate Don't allow the camera’s exposure meter to force

the subject in the photos to be brighter or darker. Turn up or turn down the EV or Exposure Value manually.

Слайд 4#2 Know Dynamic Range Limitations Something in the photo will be lost.

You'll have to decide which is more important to you for the shot, and highlight or darken an area.

Слайд 5#3 To get the best image quality Lowest ISO setting you can

do • Keep the camera as still as possible • Have the subject be as still as possible.

Слайд 6#4 To shoot a moving subject • Match trajectory with fast shutter

speed • Highest ISO that maintains the image quality • Pan the camera to match the subject • Use flash

Слайд 7#5 Discover your vision and perspective
Understand how you want objects to

look and interact with light and angles. This is your photography style!

Слайд 8#6 Manually adjust for camera shake/blur
You need to use a

shutter speed that matches the lens focal length. If you use a 100mm lens, then your shutter speed should be no lower than 1/100th of a second.

Слайд 9#7 Use a Polarizing Filter
• Improves the colors of the

sky and foliage • Protects your lens • Reduces the reflections

Слайд 10What makes a great photo is the photographer's ability to convey


Connect the viewer with a piece by showing an emotion that is prevalent in the viewer.

Слайд 11
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