Jeison Orlando Rodriguez Hernandez: largest feet on a living person (pictured with his nephew) Photograph: Gil Montano/Guinness World Records презентация

Guinness World Records 2016 From the fastest tortoise in the West to the woman with 2,042 gnomes, meet the host of glorious eccentrics who have had their peculiar talents added to

Слайд 1

Jeison Orlando Rodriguez Hernandez: largest feet on a living person (pictured

with his nephew)
Photograph: Gil Montano/Guinness World Records

Слайд 2Guinness World Records 2016
From the fastest tortoise in the West to

the woman with 2,042 gnomes, meet the host of glorious eccentrics who have had their peculiar talents added to Guinness World Records 

Слайд 3Li Longlong: most consecutive stairs climbed on the head
Photograph: Paul Michael

Hughes/Guinness World Records

Слайд 4Takeru Kobayashi: most hamburgers eaten in three minutes
Photograph: Paul Michael Hughes/Guinness

World Records

Слайд 5‘Daring Doris’ Long, from Hayling Island, is the oldest abseiler —

she took up the sport at 85 and marked her 100th birthday by bouncing down Portsmouth’s 94m Spinnaker Tower. This year, at 101, she broke her own record and hopes to repeat the feat at the tower in 2016

Слайд 6Peter Glazebrook's mighty cauliflower could feed a family of four for

a month, weighing in at a hefty 27.48kg, or 60lb 9.3 oz, and with a ‘leaf-span’ of 6ft

Слайд 7Andre Ortolf, 21, from Augsburg, Germany - Fastest 100m in clogsPicture:

Richard Bradbury/Guinness World Records

Слайд 8Mahadeo Bhujbal - Most Tennis Balls In The HandPicture: Ranald Mackechnie/Guinness

World Records

Слайд 9Bob Wade, 72, from Texas, USA, who features in the Guinness

World Records 2016 for creating the largest cowboy boot sculpture.

Слайд 10Kalawelo Kaiwi - Largest flesh tunnel (earlobe)Picture: Walter Succu/Guinness World Records

Слайд 11Blosom - Tallest CowPicture: Kevin Scott Ramos/Guinness World Records

Слайд 12Oliver Struempfel - Most beer steins carried over 40 mPicture: Paul

Michael Hughes/Guinness World Records

Слайд 13Kim Goodman - Farthest Eyeball Pop
Picture: Paul Michael Hughes/Guinness World Records

Слайд 14Franchesca: longest fur on a rabbit (pictured with owner Betty Chu)

James Ellerker/Guinness World Records

Слайд 15Bharat Sinh Parmar: longest motorcycle
Photograph: Ranald Mackechnie/Guinness World Records

Слайд 16Linsey Lindberg: most telephone directories torn in one minute
Photograph: Ryan Schude/Guinness

World Records

Слайд 17Marcus Daily: largest hot dog cart
Photograph: Kevin Scott Ramos/Guinness World Records

Слайд 18Joel Miggler - Most Flesh Tunnels In The FacePicture: Cristian Barnett/Guinness

World Records

Слайд 19Purin - Most Balls Caught By A Dog By The PawsPicture:

Shinsuke Kamioka/Guinness World Records

Слайд 20Alberto Busnari: most Thomas flairs on a pommel horse in one

Photograph: Paul Michael Hughes/Guinness World Records

Слайд 21Amateur gardener Peter Glazebrook, 69, from Newark, Nottinghamshire, holds the record

for the heaviest carrot (above) which made up in weight what it lacked in beauty — tipping the scales at 20lb 1 oz

Слайд 22The first people to row the navigable length of the Amazon

River, Briton Anton Wright, left, and Dutch-born Mark de Rond, took just 32 days to cover 2,077 treacherous miles in often hostile conditions

Слайд 23Acharya Makunuri Srinivasa - Largest Ballpoint PenPicture: Ranald Mackechnie/Guinness World Records

Слайд 24Big Red 907, a Texas Longhorn - Largest Horn Spread on

a Domestic Living SteerPicture: Guinness World Records

Слайд 25Olga Liashchuk: fastest time to crush three watermelons with the thighs

Paul Michael Hughes/Guinness World Records

Слайд 26Devon artist Ann Atkin, 78, has a staggering 2,042 gnomes in

her four-acre garden.

Слайд 27Bertie: fastest tortoise
Photograph: Paul Michael Hughes/Guinness World Records

Слайд 28Dinesh Upadhyaya - Most grapes stuffed in the mouth in a

minutePicture: Ranald Mackechnie/Guinness World Records

Слайд 29Jagathish: longest side-wheelie, auto-rickshaw
Photograph: Ranald Mackechnie/Guinness World Records

Слайд 30Takeru Kobayashi - Most hot dogs eaten in 3 minutesPicture: Paul

Michael Hughes/Guinness World Records

Слайд 31Marawa Ibrahim - Most Hula Hoops Spun SimultaneouslyPicture: Paul Michael Hughes/Guinness

World Records

Слайд 32Takahiro Ikeda, 21, from Tokyo, Japan holds the record for the

most BMX 'time machine' tricks in one minute. Ikeda, a professional BMX rider, managed 83 time machines in one minute

Слайд 33Gerhard Donie - Most Human Targets Hit With PlungersPicture: Paul Michael


Слайд 34John Evans, 70, faces little competition in the 33 weight-bearing categories

for which he repeatedly sets records. Honoured here for ‘heaviest car balanced on the head’ (a gutted 352 lb Mini for 33 seconds), the one-eyed diabetic — who avoids the gym —explains: ‘I’ve got strong legs and a strong neck’

Слайд 35Tameru Zegeye: fastest 100m on crutches
Photograph: Richard Bradbury/Guinness World Records

Слайд 36Vijay Kumar: most teeth in a mouth
Photograph: Ranald Mackechnie/Guinness World Records

Слайд 37Sun Mingming and Xu Yan: tallest married couple
Photograph: Paul Michael Hughes/Guinness

World Records

Слайд 38Dominic Lacasse: most chinups in the human flag position
Photograph: Paul Michael

Hughes/Guinness World Records

Слайд 39Andre Ortolf, 21, from Augsburg, Germany, features in the 2016 edition

for three world records including the fastest 100m in clogs (16.27 seconds), fastest 100m wearing ski boots (17.65 seconds) and farthest distance to blow a pea (7.51 m (24 ft 7.66 in)

Слайд 40END

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