TWO Reasons презентация

Apple’s mobile payment system is already a huge success in the U.S.


Apple Pay is about to take Europe by storm

Слайд 2Apple’s mobile payment system is already a huge success in the


Слайд 3Apple CEO, Tim Cook, said more than 750 banks and financial

institutions have signed up to bring Apple Pay to their customers.

Слайд 4
And $2 out of every $3 spent on contactless purchases in

the U.S. are done through Apple Pay.

Слайд 5
“With all of this momentum in the early days, we are

more convinced than ever that 2015 will be the year of Apple Pay.”
- Tim Cook, Apple CEO

Слайд 6And he’s probably right.

Слайд 7VISA just announced it’s European contactless payment terminals will support tokenization

by mid-April.

Слайд 8This is the type of secure system Apple Pay uses for

its payment process.

Слайд 9Which is important for two reasons:

Слайд 10First, VISA has more than 1.5 million contactless payment terminals that

are ready for mobile payments.

Слайд 11With the success of Apple Pay in the U.S., VISA knows

these terminals could be a catalyst for Apple Pay in Europe.

Слайд 12The company’s even called Apple Pay a “critical piece” of the

mobile payments puzzle.

Слайд 13But that’s not all.

Слайд 14Europe has been using contactless payment systems for years.

Слайд 15Which means it’s even more ready than the U.S. for more

mobile payment adoption.

Слайд 16And it’s coming at just the right time.

Слайд 17Use of near-field communication, the wireless connection used for Apple Pay,

is skyrocketing.

Слайд 18Source: Juniper Research.
Mobile NFC Users Worldwide (in millions)

Слайд 19Which means that banks, financial institutions, and retailers have a big

incentive to adopt NFC technology.

Слайд 20Here’s why that’s good for Apple…

Слайд 21Apple Pay is all about making the company’s devices even more

desirable and indispensible.

Слайд 22In its most recent quarter, Apple sold 74.5 million iPhones.

Слайд 23While Apple Pay is just one feature out of many, it

should help fuel incremental sales in Europe once it’s up and running.

Слайд 24“We believe Apple Pay was the most important announcement from Apple’s

9/9 event and view Apple Pay as potentially the most important Internet service introduced by Apple since iTunes.”
- Gene Munster, Piper Jaffray

Слайд 25That’s a bold statement. But with the success of the iPhone

so far, and the U.S. adoption of Apple Pay to date…

Слайд 26It appears Apple’s payment system is poised to take Europe by


Слайд 27

Wall Street hacks Apple's gadgets! (Investors, prepare to profit.)

Apple forgot to

show you something at its recent event, but a few Wall Street analysts and the Fool didn't miss a beat: There's a small company that's powering Apple's brand-new gadgets. And its stock price has nearly unlimited room to run for early-in-the-know investors. To be one of them, just click here!


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