Photo by Amyn Kassam - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License презентация

Presented By: Rob Misheloff Smarter Finance USA

Слайд 1Photo by Amyn Kassam - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License
Created with

Haiku Deck

Слайд 2Presented By:
Rob Misheloff
Smarter Finance USA

Слайд 3Photo by Werner Kunz - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License
Created with

Haiku Deck

Слайд 47(a) Loans Can Be Used For
Real Estate
Working Capital

Слайд 5Loan Terms
Up to $5 million, Average Loan Size is $337,750
10% Down

Payment, Personal Guarantee and Collateral are Required

Up to 7 years for Working Capital, 10 Years for Equipment, 25 For Real Estate

Слайд 6Pros and Cons of SBA 7(A)
Low Interest Rates:6-7% as of


Long Payback Periods

Less than 15% approval rate

This Loan Can Take Several Months to get

Слайд 7Photo by Pete Zarria - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License
Created with

Haiku Deck

Слайд 8SBA 504 Loans Can Be Used For
Real Estate

Слайд 9SBA 504 Loan Terms
Up to $5 million, but your business must

create 1 job for every $65k borrowed

10% Down Payment, Personal Guarantee are Required, but the assets acquired serve as collateral

Loan terms of 10 or 20 Years

Слайд 10Pros and Cons of SBA 504 Loans
Low Interest Rates: ~5%

as of 2014

Long Payback Periods

Very difficult to qualify for

This Loan Can Take Several Months to get

Слайд 11Photo by alphatrek - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License
Created with Haiku


Слайд 12SBA MicroLoans Can Be Used For
Real Estate
Working Capital

Слайд 13SBA Microloan Terms
Up to $50,000 with average loan amounts around $13,000

Guarantee and collateral are generally needed, but vary (loans are placed by intermediaries)

Loan terms of up to 6 Years

Слайд 14Pros and Cons of SBA Microloans
Reasonable interest rates from 8-13%


Periods Up to 6 Years

You have to take classes first and submit a business plan

This Loan Can Take Several Months to get

Слайд 15Photo by AZso - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License
Created with Haiku


Слайд 16Shelf Corporations
A sometimes used trick for startup owners with great credit

is to buy an aged corporation that isn’t being used for any actual business and use that corporation’s age to get a loan.

Слайд 17How Can a Shelf Corporation Get You Money?
You buy the “zombie”

corporation (typically for about $5,000)

Along with the aged corporation and your good credit (720+), apply for a “stated income loan”

If successful, you can receive a line of credit from $50,000-150,000

Слайд 18Pros and Cons of Shelf Corporations
Reasonable interest rates

It’s not

exactly ethical to use another corporation to mask your business’ age

You may get turned down and be out $5,000

Many of the providers are con artists

Слайд 19Photo by enriqueburgosgarcia - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License
Created with Haiku


Слайд 20Peer 2 Peer Lending
Startups Can Access P2P Funds If They Have:

Credit Score

2nd Source of Income (a job or a working spouse, or another business)

$150,000 Liquid Net Worth ($$, investment or retirement accounts)

Слайд 21Startup P2P Loan Terms
$50,000 to $500,000
Rates of 9-21% “simple Interest” (which

really means up to 30% if compared to bank loans….)

Loan terms of 2-5 years

Слайд 22Pros and Cons of P2P For Startups
Longish Payback Terms



Not Easy to Qualify

Слайд 23Photo by RyanP77 - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License
Created with Haiku


Слайд 24What Is A Sale-Leaseback?
Kind of Like a Home Equity Loan On

Your House

Take a Loan Against Vehicles or Equipment You Own

Слайд 25How Do Leasebacks Work?
Payback over 2-5 Years
Structured as a “lease” so

you can write off the entire payments.

Good credit not required – but rates depend on credit.

Customers with reasonable credit often find the tax savings negate most financing charges

Слайд 26Pros and Cons of Sale Leasebacks
Easy Qualifying (if you own


Big Tax Breaks

Long Payback Terms

Higher Rates (but often compensated for with tax savings)

Слайд 27Photo by Minneapolis Institute of Arts - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

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Слайд 28Problems With Borrowing From Friends and Family?
It’s easy to screw up

reporting and/or track on-time payments if you “do it Yourself

You may not know how to amortize a loan properly

This could cost you relationships!

Слайд 29Solutions
Online Tools To Help Track Friends and Family Loans
Trust Leaf

All are very inexpensive with setup fees from $0 to $200 and plans ranging from “Free” to $35/Month

Слайд 30Photo by Pure Metal Cards - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License

with Haiku Deck

Слайд 31Why Not Just Fund Your Business With Plastic?
If You Have Large

Amounts of Credit Available, this will be Cheaper than a lot of Other Options.

Have Multiple Cards? Do the Credit Card Shuffle, and Get Zero Percent Financing (You’ll pay 4% each time)

Слайд 32 - But -
Don’t max out your cards – this will

tank your credit score and impede future borrowing

You may be warned against this – people that don’t understand finance might think it’s risky

(Let’s be serious, anyone lending money to a startup is going to ask for a personal guarantee, so how would using your credit cards be more risky than anything else?)

Слайд 33Photo by Doha Sam - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License
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Haiku Deck

Слайд 34Pros and Cons of Equipment Leasing
Easier to Get Than Most

Startup Financing

Big Tax Breaks

Long Payback Terms

Higher Rates (but often compensated for with tax savings)

Слайд 35Photo by kenteegardin - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
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Слайд 36Should You Borrow From Your 401(K)?
Your Financial Advisor Would Advise Against

it, as the 401(k) is your Safety Net

The One Good Thing is You are Paying Interest to Yourself

If You (or Your Spouse) Leaves the Employer at Which the Funds are Held, the Loan will be Due in 60 Days.

Слайд 37Photo by danielmoyle - Creative Commons Attribution License
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Слайд 38You Can Borrow From Life Insurance?
You can Typically Borrow up to

90 Percent of the Cash Value of an Insurance Policy at 6-9%

NEVER do this Without Talking to Your Accountant First. Taxation Rules on this Can be Tricky.

Слайд 39Photo by camies - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License
Created with Haiku


Слайд 40Hard Money? What Is That?
If You own Real Estate (other than

Your Home) You can Borrow Against the Value of the Property

Hard Money is Often Referred to as a Type of “Bridge Financing” as it is Best as a Shorter-Term Funding Option

Слайд 41Hard Money Loan Terms
Often Available for Months As Opposed to Years,

You Can Typically Leverage Up to 75% of the Equity in a Property

Rates can be High, With Large Origination Fees and High Interest Rates

Since the Property Serves as Collateral, this is One of the Only Business Loans that Needs no Personal Guarantee

Слайд 42Photo by Amir Kuckovic - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License
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Haiku Deck

Слайд 43Invoice Factoring
If You are Giving Customers Terms, you Can Really Drain

Business Cash Flow Fast.

You Can Sell Off Your Invoices to a “Factoring Company”, Receiving Cash Today

Factoring Can Be A Good Choice for New Businesses – Qualifying is Based on Your Customers’ Business Credit, not Yours

Слайд 44Pros and Cons of Factoring
Easy Qualifying

Fast Cash

Rates Can Be

Pretty High

You Can End Up Paying More than Planned With Slow-Paying Customers

Слайд 45Photo by tsuna72 - Creative Commons Attribution License
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Слайд 46Purchase Order Financing
Very Similar To Factoring, Rates Can Be Expensive, but

PO Financing Can Be A Great Option For New Businesses That Cannot Get Financing Elsewhere

If You Have Orders to Fulfill, but Not the Capital To Buy Materials, You Can Finance Against Purchase Orders

Слайд 47Photo by theqspeaks - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License
Created with Haiku


Слайд 48Crowdfunding?
A Relatively New Concept – Startups Have Recently Been Turning

To Potential Customers and Fans To Provide Interest Free Loans in the Form of Pre-Orders has been a popular platform, with several startups finding hundreds of thousand (or even millions) of dollars in seed funding.

Слайд 49
Bonus: For More In Depth Information, Including 3 Startup Funding Strategies

Not Covered in This Presentation, Please

Click Here

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