Imagine the Supply Chain of the Future презентация

Слайд 1Imagine the Supply Chain of the Future
Lora Cecere
Supply Chain Insights

Слайд 2Imagine the Supply Chain: 2025
A Look Back: Supply Chains to Admire

the Digital Pivot
A Look Forward: Five Trends

Слайд 3IMAGINE the Supply Chain of 2025

Слайд 4Our Goal Is to Help the Average Joe

Слайд 59 out of 10 Supply Chains are Stuck

Слайд 6What We Expected

Слайд 7Progress: All Industries
Source: Supply Chain Insights LLC, Corporate Annual Reports 2006-2013

Average comprised of public companies (combined food & beverage industry: NAICS 3112% where % is any number from 0-9, 311320, 311520, 311821, 311941 & 312111), (chemical: NAICS 325188 & 325998), (consumer packaged goods: NAICS 3256% where % is any number from 0-9), (medical device industry: NAICS 339112), (pharmaceutical industry: NAICS 325412) reporting in One Source with 20123annual sales greater than $1billion; NC=no change

Слайд 8The Supply Chain Effective Frontier

Слайд 9Nike: Inventory Turns vs. Operating Margin (2006-2014)

Average (Operating Margin, Inventory Turns)


Supply Chain Insights LLC, Corporate Annual Reports 2006-2014 from YCharts

Best Scenario

0.13, 6.10

Слайд 10Nike and Adidas
Average (Operating Margin, Inventory Turns)

Source: Supply Chain Insights LLC,

Corporate Annual Reports 2006-2014 from YCharts

Best Scenario

0.13, 6.10

0.08, 6.10

Слайд 11Apparel Analysis

Слайд 12Apparel Results

Слайд 13Summit Registrants Survey Results
Survey conducted among 57 registrants prior to the


Слайд 15Supply Chains to Admire Methodology
Beats the industry average for operating margin,

inventory turns and ROIC for 2006-2014 and 2009-2014

Ranks above peer group average on The Supply Chain Index for 2006-2014 or 2009-2014

Слайд 16
Balance: Return on Invested Capital & Revenue Growth Vector Trajectory (30%)

Inventory Turns & Operating Margin Vector Trajectory (30%)
Resiliency: Inventory Turns & Operating Margin Mean Distance (30%)


Слайд 18
Winners Two Years in a Row

Слайд 19Organizations are Too Functional

Слайд 20Continuity of leadership
Supply chain talent development
Focus on a multi-year supply chain

Clear governance to guide cross-functional decision-making
Strength in horizontal processes
Excellence in supply chain planning, network design and inventory management

What Drives Top Performance?

Слайд 21Today, You will Hear from Three Winners

Слайд 22Imagine the Supply Chain: 2025
A Look Back: Supply Chains to Admire

the Digital Pivot
A Look Forward: Five Trends

Слайд 24Summit Registrants Survey Results
Survey conducted among 57 registrants prior to the


Слайд 26Imagine the Supply Chain: 2025
A Look Back: Supply Chains to Admire

the Digital Pivot
A Look Forward: Five Trends

Слайд 27The Shaman’s Predictions for 2025:
Supply Chains Will Learn as We Sleep

Automation Happens Through a Network of Networks
Manless Vehicles Redefine Trucking
Outside-in Processes Become the Norm
15% of Companies Make the Digital Pivot

Слайд 28Let’s Get on
with the Show!

Слайд 29Summit Registrants Survey Results
Survey conducted among 57 registrants prior to the


Слайд 32Meet the Supply Chain Insights Team

Слайд 33Switching Seats for Better Networking
How to read your NAME BADGE:

Lora Cecere

Chain Insights

Cecere, Lora
12 8 16

Table numbers by session:
12 8 16
Wed AM Wed PM Thur AM

To improve networking, we ask that everyone switch seats
1) BEFORE lunch on Wednesday and
2) BEFORE the Thursday morning session

Слайд 34Financial Benchmarking Form

Слайд 35Thank You to Our Sponsors

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