How to tell your new boss that you were fired презентация

Слайд 1How to tell your new boss that you were fired

Слайд 2If you were fired or let go from your last job

you’re probably nervous about bringing it up in your next interview. If the interviewer doesn’t ask you why you left your previous role don’t need to volunteer the information. But if they do it’s important to be honest.

Слайд 3Being honest with the interviewer about the situation will stop you

looking like you’re trying to hide information.

Слайд 4It’s a small world.
Your new colleagues may have connections to the

people you previously worked with so it’s always safer to be up front - or that little white lie could come back to haunt you.

Слайд 5It’s not a conversation starter. Don’t open the interview with that

fact that you were fired but be ready to answer the question should it come up during the interview. Having an answer prepared beforehand will stop you from getting flustered when asked.

Слайд 6Try to have a positive spin on the situation and don’t

speak poorly of your previous boss or co-workers - this will only reflect poorly on you.

Слайд 7Take responsibility for what happened.
We all make mistakes and the interviewer

will be impressed if you can take ownership of the circumstance and discuss how you tried to resolve the mistake.

Слайд 8You don’t know how the interviewer will take the news that

you were let go of your last job. But being honest is always something to be proud of.

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