Business etiquette in United Arab Emirates презентация

And what about a dress code in various countries of the East? Here are all feminine and demure. Classic business suit in neutral tones, preferably a catchy piece of jewelry. Long

Alexey Zhilyakov

Слайд 2And what about a dress code in various countries of the

East? Here are all feminine and demure. Classic business suit in neutral tones, preferably a catchy piece of jewelry. Long hair should be stowed in a neat hairstyle....

Слайд 3An important means of communication in the East — the non-verbal

body language, color symbolism. And it's easy to fall into the trap of more is to amass a serious problem. For example, in Dubai, believe that for decision-making is important all the information. Punctuality is not a distinguishing feature — be prepared to wait. Doing business can be quite challenging. Follow the rules of religious etiquette, don't schedule business meetings during the Holy month of Ramadan. Show an Arab the soles of your shoes is considered an insult. And the unsuspecting Europeans make this mistake, throwing one leg over the other. Do the right hand, especially eating and drinking....

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