Beyond Startup Weekend: first steps for building a startup that works презентация

You’ve had a great start... What happens next?

Слайд 1Beyond Startup Weekend: first steps for building a startup that works


Слайд 2You’ve had a great start... What happens next?

Слайд 3
12 events =
3 real companies.

Слайд 4Power tips for TEAMS.

Слайд 5Find the core team quickly
Schedule first meeting for Tuesday, second –

for Saturday. Keep going at this pace.
Set individual tasks and deadlines, see who delivers
Repeat until 2-3 people left

Слайд 6Heatlhcare is complicated: build network, learn fast #shamelessplug
Health 2.0 meetups –

Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam

Слайд 7Focus on first key tasks
Re-shape MVP: talk to more customers
Decide where

your market is: BXL, BE, Europe, World.
Build a realistic revenue model
Identify relevant investors for seed and A round: smart money, right network

Слайд 8Speaking of investors...
Seed: iMinds (iStart program)
A Round: Capricorn, Volta Ventures
Don’t forget

“impact investors”: SI2 fund

Слайд 9Power tips for INDIVIDUALS.

Слайд 10In or out? Decide quickly
Do you really belive in this idea?

are you prepared to give up for the next two years: Hobby? Money? Career? Weekends? All of those?
Does your family support you?
Do you really believe in the team?

Слайд 11Communicate clearly
If you’re unhappy, talk about it
If you’re not convinced,

talk about it
If someone in the team is not living up to your expectations, talk about it

Слайд 12Roll up your sleeves
Do whatever needs to be done (not only

what you learned in school)
Learn new skills

Слайд 13

Слайд 14Got questions?


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