5 Habits презентация

What we’ll cover 1 Introduction

Слайд 1 5 Habits
of Breakthrough Innovators

Amy Jo Kim, Ph.D.

Слайд 2What we’ll cover


Слайд 3What we’ll cover


5 Habits of Breakthrough Innovators

Слайд 4What we’ll cover


5 Habits of Breakthrough Innovators

Getting Started: 3 Smart


Слайд 5 Introduction
Section One

Слайд 6A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something.
Frank Capra

Слайд 7You’ve got a great product idea

Слайд 8How do you know if it’s the right one?

Слайд 9co-founder & Creative Director,
Shufflebrain Partners shufflebrain.com

Creator & Head Coach,

Design Hacks mvpdesignhacks.com

Слайд 10we partner with great companies to make
smart games for a connected


Слайд 11What can we learn from
breakthrough innovations?
Rock Band
The Sims
Covet Fashion

Слайд 12Can we generate and validate our product ideas
better, smarter, faster?

Слайд 13 5 Habits
of Breakthrough Innovators

Section Two

Слайд 14Habit 1: think like a scientist

Слайд 15To increase your chances of success, minimize time through the Build-Measure-Learn

Eric Ries
Author, The Lean Startup

you are here

Слайд 16you are here
Ask the hard, important questions upfront
Rock Band
The Sims
Covet Fashion

Слайд 17you are here
What keeps people engaged in a
virtual dollhouse simulation?

Слайд 18you are here
What social systems are necessary to
build trust in an

online marketplace?

Слайд 19you are here
Can non-musicians play plastic instruments together and feel like a

band making music?

Слайд 20you are here
Will fashion-loving young women pay to play a
dress-up game

with real designer clothes?

Слайд 21Habit 2: laser-focus on early adopters

Слайд 22Crossing the Chasm
Geoffrey Moore, 1992

Слайд 23Innovation Diffusion Theory
Everett Rogers, 1961

Слайд 24Find & delight your early adopters

Early adopters will put up with

cost & ridicule for innovations that meet real needs.
Erika Hall
author, Just Enough Research

you are here

Слайд 25Gather ideas & feedback for key systems

Слайд 26Cultivate relationships with content creators

Слайд 27Leverage relationships with super-fans

Слайд 28Habit 3: gather customer insights early

Слайд 29Create a culture of iterative play-testing

you are here
There is nothing quite

so useless as doing with great efficiency something that should not be done at all.
Peter Drucker

Слайд 30
Conduct onsite interviews with early adopters

Слайд 31
Setup a weekly interview/playtest rhythm

Слайд 32
Expand playtest audience as product matures

Слайд 33Habit 4: build & test your Core Loop

Слайд 34What is – and isn’t – a Core Loop?

you are here

a loop, you’re learning a skill and updating your mental model. That’s what leads to player delight.
Dan Cook
Lead game designer, Spry Fox


Слайд 35
Fake Landing Page?

Слайд 36
Fake Landing Page?

Слайд 37
Operant Conditioning Loop AKA Skinner Box?

Слайд 38
Operant Conditioning Loop AKA Skinner Box?

Слайд 39
Skill-building = making customers more awesome

Слайд 40
Skill-building habit loop?

Слайд 41
Skill-building habit loop?

Слайд 42
Engaging activity + internal urge fuels the loop

Слайд 43
Feedback supports learning & mastery

Слайд 44
Investment & triggers pull people back

Слайд 45
Focus on prototyping & tuning the basics

Слайд 46
Create a daily skill-building reason to return

Слайд 47Habit 5: co-create a path to Mastery

Слайд 48
you are here
Every artist was first an amateur.
Dan Cook

Designer, Spry Fox

Слайд 49
Engage customers with progressive skill-building

Слайд 50
Empower enthusiasts with tools, access, powers

Слайд 51
Release tools early to your fan community

Слайд 52
Build aspirational mastery systems

Слайд 53
Build aspirational mastery systems

Слайд 54Recap: 5 Habits of Breakthrough Innovators

Слайд 55Recap: 5 Habits of Breakthrough Innovators
Think like a scientist

Слайд 56Recap: 5 Habits of Breakthrough Innovators
Think like a scientist
Laser-focus on early


Слайд 57Recap: 5 Habits of Breakthrough Innovators
Think like a scientist
Laser-focus on early

Gather customer insights early

Слайд 58Recap: 5 Habits of Breakthrough Innovators
Think like a scientist
Laser-focus on early

Gather customer insights early
Build & test your Core Loop

Слайд 59Recap: 5 Habits of Breakthrough Innovators
Think like a scientist
Laser-focus on early

Gather customer insights early
Build & test your Core Loop
Co-create a path to mastery

Слайд 60
3 Smart Shortcuts
to turbo-charge your Customer Discovery

Слайд 61

Слайд 62

Shortcut #1: the MVP Canvas

Слайд 63
Think like a scientist
Laser-focus on early adopters
Gather customer insights early
Build &

test your Core Loop

Shortcut #1: the MVP Canvas

Слайд 64

Clarify your product strategy

Слайд 65

Identify strengths, values & success metrics

Слайд 66

Prioritize your highest-risk assumptions

Слайд 67

Shortcut #2: Speed Interviews

Слайд 68
Think like a scientist
Laser-focus on early adopters
Gather customer insights early
Build &

test your Core Loop

Shortcut #2: Speed Interviews

Слайд 69
Interview 10-15 Early Adopters
5-10 min. per interview

Слайд 70
Ask just a few revealing questions
Unmet Needs
Daily Habits
Beliefs & Ideas

Слайд 71Pair Interviews ? Better, Faster Pattern Recognition

Слайд 72Identify 5-7 Enthusiatic, Articulate Early Adopters

Слайд 73
Shortcut #3: Habit Stories

Слайд 74
Shortcut #3: Habit Stories

Слайд 75
Think like a scientist
Laser-focus on early adopters
Gather customer insights early
Build &

test your Core Loop

Shortcut #3: Habit Stories

Слайд 76Turn customer insights into design-ready stories

Слайд 77Habit Story = Existing Habit + Unmet Need

Слайд 78Piggyback your Core Loop on an existing Habit

Слайд 80MVP Canvas BEFORE

Слайд 81MVP Canvas BEFORE

Слайд 82MVP Canvas BEFORE

Слайд 83MVP Canvas BEFORE

Слайд 84Speed Interviews: How we did it
WHO we spoke with
15 young women

18-40 who play mobile fashion games
Recruited from existing player base & craigslist ads

Слайд 85Speed Interviews: How we did it
WHO we spoke with
15 young women

18-40 who play mobile fashion games
Recruited from existing player base & craigslist ads

WHAT we asked them to do
Spend 5-10 minutes answering 3-5 questions The best interview subjects became paid testers

Слайд 86Speed Interviews: How we did it
WHO we spoke with
15 young women

18-40 who play mobile fashion games
Recruited from existing player base & craigslist ads

WHAT we asked them to do
Spend 5-10 minutes answering 3-5 questions The best interview subjects became paid testers

WHEN & WHERE we ran these tests
Via phone & Skype, over a period of 2 weeks

Слайд 87Research Results: 3 Key Patterns

Слайд 88Fashion Browser

Слайд 89Fashion Browser

Слайд 90Co-creator

Слайд 91Co-creator

Слайд 92Armchair Stylist

Слайд 93Armchair Stylist

Слайд 94MVP Canvas AFTER

Слайд 95MVP Canvas AFTER

Слайд 96MVP Canvas AFTER

Слайд 97iterative play-testing ? hit game

Слайд 98Try out these techniques on your own

Слайд 99MVP Design Hacks
validate your product idea in 30 days

Слайд 100Thank You

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