Want to take your job from local to global? Before you book your flight there some things you need to know. презентация

Слайд 1Want to take your job from local to global?

Before you book

your flight there some things you need to know.

Слайд 2Okay, you’ve done the fun part and chosen your destination. Here

are the next steps…

Слайд 3 The (boring but) essential checklist

Слайд 4Do you need a visa to live and work there?
Research real

estate costs. Can you afford the lifestyle you’re after?
How much will it cost to relocate all your stuff?
Do you have a partner, children or pets? Don’t forget their requirements too.

Слайд 5The job search

Слайд 6We live in a digital world, so get online and start

networking. Take this as an opportunity to connect with recruiters and employers directly.

Слайд 7The application

Слайд 8It’s important to express why you want to relocate in your

cover letter and show your enthusiasm about the destination. Convince the recruiter that you won’t be running home after only week on the job.

Слайд 9The interview

Слайд 10Be prepared for long-distance interviews via phone or Skype. Don’t forget

to dress the part and clean the room you’ll be sitting in! They don’t need to see your dirty dishes in the background.

Слайд 11Test the waters

Слайд 12If you’re really serious about relocating, make the first move. But

if you can’t commit to moving without a job, then visit the location. Make the most of this time to get familiar with the place and set up face-to-face interviews.

Слайд 13Only fools rush in

Слайд 14Unless your only motivation is to jump borders, don’t take a

job that’s only attractive because of its location. Weigh up the stress and cost of moving and leaving an established life behind first.

Слайд 15Only fools rush in
Your ticket out of here could be

as simple as staying right where you are

Слайд 16Many businesses have offices dotted around the world, so if you’re

willing to be patient, you could work towards a transfer within your current company. But you’ll need to do research to ensure they offer it and prove to them that you deserve it!

Слайд 17and finally…don’t forget your passport!

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