If you have any questions about this document, please contact ANALYST NAME ANALYSTEMAIL@infotech.com , 519-432-3550 and I will be glad to answer any questions you may have. Note to Graphic Designer Info-Tech Research Group is a technology analysis and adv презентация

Слайд 1If you have any questions about this document, please contact ANALYST

NAME ANALYSTEMAIL@infotech.com , 519-432-3550 and I will be glad to answer any questions you may have.
Note to Graphic Designer
Info-Tech Research Group is a technology analysis and advice firm that provides actionable project advice for more than 20,000 IT decision makers (CIOs, IT Managers and Departments). A core deliverable to our customers is project blueprints that address critical processes and technology implementations within their organization. As part of these blueprint projects our analysts have been tasked with creating ‘Insight Maps’. An insight map encapsulates key insights and directions related to a project, covering situation, complication, and resolution. We hope to create an insight map infographic (IE. An infographics) for each project blueprint to be used for a variety of purposes such as: highlighting a unique approach or “ah ha” moment, as a marketing tool to showcase our project, provide a project snapshot for communication such as blogs or web pages. The infographics will be used
on our website,
in PowerPoint presentations,
in marketing collateral,
and social media campaigns.
The following tables have been provided to guide your creation of this infographics. There may also be attachments and supporting files included with this submission; see the table below for more details. Please contact the bolded name above for any specific questions about this document.
Attention Graphic Designers: How to use this document
Each field under ‘Attribute’ is a title/heading that can be used in the infographic but does not necessarily have to be used. The Attribute heading will also tell you which value fields are infographic copy.
Each field under ‘Value’ may be infographic copy. Please see the ‘Attribute’ column to verify if this is copy.
Each field under ‘Notes for Designer/Analyst’ is used to provide high level guidance about what each ‘Attribute’ is.
Lastly, please pay attention to any italicised text in the ‘Value’ field. These are suggestions for you on how to create specific elements of this specific infographic.
Use the red and green fields to identify which fields are copy and which are guidance fields. (Green = Copy) (Red = Guidance)
Please don’t be afraid to contact the above mentioned contact if you have any questions, you can call, email or use the project center on Visual.ly. We strongly encourage this. Please do not use the help@visual.ly unless instructed so by us or there is a technical problem with the Visual.ly website.
Notes for Designer/Analysts
(This is not infographic copy)
.JPEG in high resolution and .PSD/.AI files for future editing
Please provide the .PSD/.AI files if it is at no additional cost to Info-Tech.
(This is not infographic copy)
1220px horizontal (Absolute)
2500px vertical (Preferred)
Vertical extension beyond 2500 pixels is possible but horizontal extension is not.
Project Title (This is infographic copy)
Managing Stakeholder Relations
This is the main title of the infographic. It can be the title of the blueprint, but doesn’t have to be. Ensure the project title is unique enough to identify the specific blueprint.
Project Tagline
(This is infographic copy)
Make proper stakeholder management a habit.
Insert the tagline of your Blueprint project or create a custom tagline for the infographic. This should be slightly longer then the Project Title, but no longer than 20 words.
Member Understanding
(This is infographic copy)
Your Challenge
As a CIO, you are responsible for addressing a wide variety of competing demands from many different stakeholders.
The challenge begins with understanding how to identify stakeholders that are relevant to you and can impact your ability to succeed. It is often the unforeseen, hidden stakeholders that can unexpectedly derail your agenda. Invest time in the structured stakeholder identification methods identified in this blueprint to ensure that no one gets left out.
Once your stakeholders are identified, understanding which of your stakeholders are most important and determining the best way to address the needs of each one can be complex and time consuming. Classify your stakeholders according to their ability to impact your agenda through their influence and interest, then leverage those who can provide support and align those who may choose to obstruct.
Design a stakeholder management plan and a communication plan to tailor your approach for maximum success. Each of your stakeholders is likely to react differently to your goals, so spending time to understand them and treat them the way they want to be treated will be critical to your success.
Track your stakeholder management success over time by using Info-Tech metrics and tools to highlight where you should be focusing your attention.
This statement is used to identify the target audience and the challenge they are trying to overcome Specifically identify the member/role.
Should be adapted from our initial member understanding document. Max length at the analyst’s discretion.
Overall Insight
(This is infographic copy)
Stakeholder management is more important than you realize – it can make or break your IT project, organization, and career.
Poor stakeholder management can undermine you and your department’s credibility within the organization.
Both executives and project managers have lost their jobs due to mismanaging stakeholders – don’t be one of them.
This overall insight is the central idea of the Blueprint. The overall insight should also drive the overall creative vision of the document. A well-crafted insight statement is key here. Try to make this statement short and sweet.
(This is infographic copy)
You have more stakeholders than you think.
Think broadly and analytically to uncover hidden stakeholders.
You may not intuitively know who all your stakeholders are as it takes investigative analysis to uncover the less obvious ones.
The stakeholder landscape is constantly shifting; revisit and update your stakeholder analysis when change occurs.
Know where to focus your efforts.
Only some stakeholders are critical to your success; determine the most important stakeholders and focus efforts on them.
Don’t forget about the collective: a large number of unimportant stakeholders can collectively become a major force.
Loud stakeholders aren’t necessarily important ones: it’s the stakeholders who can influence your success who are important.
Listening to your stakeholders is not enough: you must take their feedback seriously and act on it accordingly.
Do unto others as they would have done unto themselves.
Create alignment between stakeholder objectives and your own: don’t fight your stakeholders’ objectives with your own.
Treat important stakeholders as unique individuals and tailor your approach to ensure positive and effective interaction.
There’s no substitute for the human touch.
One-on-one face time with key stakeholders can be very meaningful; take advantage of these opportunities.
Stakeholder management is a continuous process.
Don’t wait for your stakeholders or their opinions to change: be proactive and continuously engage with them.
Stakeholder management doesn’t end with the plan – it is an ongoing process that must be constantly executed and monitored.
Include insights relating schools of thoughts, drivers/trends/change, value creation, etc. Be sure to include data points, complications, unique approaches, etc. that enhance or support the overall insight.
Project Steps
(This is infographic copy)
See Project Steps Table Below
A set of steps used to solve the member challenge. Our solution to the clients’ problem. These steps should align with the respective project steps and guided implementations.
Creative Vision
(This is not infographic copy)
Ideas for graphics for each of the steps:
Identification: 360O view, inspector w/ magnifying glass
Analysis: thinking over graphs and charts
Management: shaking hands, discussions, agreement
Monitoring: measuring, ruler
This is composed by our analysts and will help explain the mock-up. If you, however, have a better idea for design, please try it and get feedback from the analyst.
(This is not infographic copy)
Style Guide - Designers: Use the style guide to get a feel for our brand
Rough Sketch
General Guidelines
(This is not infographic copy
This infographic is the creative art of our research. As such, we want to make sure each one is unique and creative. The only real guideline is our fixed width and call to action image. The rest is up to you.
We are looking for dense, high-impact material. Limit whitespace, yet remain visually appealing.
Footer Metadata – Tools
(For use in the footer only)
1) Stakeholder Analysis Tool - Excel
2) Stakeholder Management Plan Template – Word
3) Stakeholder Communications Plan Template - Word
Please insert the name and type for each tool in your blueprint.
I.E. Process Assessment – Excel Tool
Footer Metadata – Guided Implementations
(For use in the footer only)
1) Validate your stakeholder list
2) Review stakeholder influence and prioritization
3) Review your stakeholder management strategy
Please insert the name of each guided implementation as they appear in the blueprint.
Name of Blueprint
(For use in the footer only)
Manage Stakeholder Relations
Please insert the name of the blueprint as it will appear on the title slide.
Project Steps & Related Insights Note: This is infographic copy
Step Name
Step Insight (or Description if no insight is present)
Step 1
Identify Stakeholders
You have more stakeholders than you think.
Step 2
Analyze Stakeholders
Know where to focus your efforts.
Step 3
Manage Stakeholders
Do to others as they would do to themselves.
Step 4
Monitor Your Stakeholder Management Success
Stakeholder management is a continuous process.
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7

Analysts: Please insert your mock-up here. If you have used this space, indicate above in the attachments field that it can be seen below.
Concepts for Creative vision above – do NOT use directly. Use only for inspiration.
NOTE: actual words need to be replaced with those used in the blueprint – discuss with analyst, if required

Слайд 2

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