10 tips to beat first day nerves презентация

10 accept help when offered No one ever started a job and was expected to know everything straight away. If offered help accept it.

Слайд 210
accept help when offered
No one ever started a job and was

expected to know everything straight away. If offered help accept it.

Слайд 3pay attention
Listen to what is being said. Information given at induction

and on the first day at work are generally the basis for you future role.


Слайд 4be genuine
Be yourself and ensure that you mean what you say.

Nobody was ever impressed by a know-it-all especially not on their first day at work.


Слайд 86
accept making mistakes
even simple mistakes, well ...
they happen!
Accept them

and carry on.

Слайд 93
You were hired because the employer believe you will add something

to the organisation. They put their trust in you and so should you.

Слайд 102
keep out of the drama
Don’t choose sides, stay clear of the


Слайд 111
have fun
Nerves set aside … don’t forget to enjoy this


Become a part of the team

Слайд 13YOU are here because YOU deserve to be here!

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