Social learning for collective action on climate change презентация

Слайд 1Social learning for collective action on climate change
A critical assessment

Blane Harvey, International Development Research Centre

Слайд 2Overview
Tackling "wicked" problems under global environmental change
What is social learning?
Critiques of

SL in theory and practice
Where next?

Слайд 3Learning to tackle complex challenges

Слайд 4On complexity and multiple ways of knowing...

Слайд 5Tackling "wicked" problems
Wicked problems are characterized by:
inconsistency of needs,

preferences and values;
an unclear sense of all consequences and/or cumulative impact of collective action;
fluid, heterogeneous, pluralist participation in problem definition and solving

Turnpenny et al (2009)

“Not only must science concede some of its governance to wider society, it must also concede some ground to other ways of knowing. (Hulme 2009: 81)

Слайд 6Climate change adaptation is one such 'wicked’ problem, and social learning

is seen as an important avenue for responding.

Слайд 7The learning paradox
“Our existing methodological toolbox
is sparsely equipped to facilitate and

sustain [...] adaptive and anticipatory learning in the face of complex risks and uncertainties.” Tschakert & Dietrich 2010

And yet

We recognise the paramount importance of learning in addressing complex environmental challenges....

“deficit models”

Banking models

Knowledge hierarchies

Слайд 8Social Learning – A way forward?

Слайд 9Social Learning: Toward a definition
Social learning brings together stakeholders with diverse

perspectives to learn together and form an understanding of a shared challenge.

It involves taking learning and behaviour change beyond the individual to networks and systems. Through an iterative process of working and reflecting together new shared ways of knowing emerge that lead to changes in practice.

See Reed et al. 2010 “What is Social Learning?”

Слайд 10Social learning - a closer look
Learning and behavioural psychology (Bandura)

learning (Argyris and Schon, Wenger)
Transformative learning (Mezirow)
Emancipatory learning (Freire)
As performance? Governance? Collective action? Many flavours of SL.

Слайд 11
Analysis of 29 cases looking at:
Lessons and Principles
Tools and approaches

Harvey et

al 2013

Слайд 12Reflecting critically on SL
Power and consensus - strange bedfellows
Is a change

of views always a good thing?
Recognition of problem w/o power to change leads to frustration
Challenge of entrenched marginalisation
Sustainability of change?
Scale and institutionalisation major challenges
Evidence of impact and outcomes?
How to evaluate them?

See also Muro & Jeffrey 2008

Слайд 13So where next?

Слайд 14A gut instinct tells us that social learning inherently makes sense,

but making that leap forward into practicing the principles of good social learning and overturning the more top-down models of knowledge creation and information delivery needs more concrete evidence.

Transforming institutions
Transforming research

Слайд 15
In a nutshell
It’s social learning on social learning!

Слайд 16Transforming the evidence base
Hypothesis A: Social learning improves institutional processes and performance/effectiveness

in the context of climate change. Hypothesis B: Social learning processes lead to improved development outcomes/results in the context of climate change.

Слайд 17
Kristjanson et al 2014, Nature Climate Change

Слайд 18Want to know more?
Thank you!

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