1 презентация

The Effects of Changes in Sea Ice Coverage on Bearded Seal Populations Sizes and Reproduction in Hudson Bay Emily Wang COSMOS 2013

Слайд 2The Effects of Changes in Sea Ice Coverage on Bearded Seal

Populations Sizes and Reproduction in Hudson Bay

Emily Wang

Слайд 3
Introduction: Global Climate Change
Causes (Karl & Trenberth 2003)
Human energy use
Land use

Sea ice losses
Last summer were the highest in recorded
history (Gagnon & Gough 2005)
Affects marine animals
e.g. polar bears need ice to breed and
Hunt (Smith 1980)


Слайд 4
Live near Greenland, the Arctic, Alaska, and Canada (Hudson Bay)
Need ice

to breed (platform)
Less ice = Swim longer distances -> Habitat Fragmentation
Breeding season: late April or early May

Introduction: Bearded Seals (Erignathus barbatus)

Слайд 5What Are the Effects of Changes in Sea Ice Coverage on

Bearded Seal Populations Sizes and Reproduction in the Hudson Bay?


Robert Rosing–National Geographic

Слайд 6A decrease in ice coverage in the Hudson Bay will be

correlated with:

A) A decline in the population

B) A decline in the birth rate of pups


Robert Rosing–National Geographic

Слайд 7Method: Sea Ice Coverage
Use Special Sensor Microwave/Imagers satellites F8, F11, and

F13 to measure microwave radiation (Johannessen et al 1999)
Use ArcGIS to analyze data (Johnston et al 2001)
Measure volume of sea ice coverage every month
Find yearly average each year from 2015 to 2025
Observe duration of the ice-free season each year from 2015 to 2025


Слайд 8Method: Population
Use aerial surveys (Myers & Bowen 1989)
Count population in 10%

of the area each month by using evenly spaced vertical lines 65 miles apart
Multiply by 10 to estimate total population
Find yearly average for 10 years from 2015-2025

65 miles


Слайд 9Method: Birth Rate of Pups
Use of aerial surveys
Count pup population in

10% of the area by using evenly spaced vertical lines 65 miles apart
Each mating season (April-May) for 10 years (McLaren 2011)



Слайд 10Predicted Results

Слайд 11Predicted Results (Continued)

Слайд 12Predicted Results (Continued)

Слайд 13Discussion
Climate change increases → sea ice coverage decreases
Decreased by 1400 km2/year

from 1978-1996 (Gagnon & Gough 2005)

Now decreasing by more and more each year
If this continues, only 750,000km2 in 2015 and 50,000km2 by 2025
Decrease to only 1/15 of original coverage in just 10 years


Слайд 14Discussion (Continued)
Climate change increases → duration of the ice-free season increases

the past ice-free season has been from mid-August to late October (Gagnon & Gough 2005)
Around 75 days
If this continues, it will rise to 187 days in 2015 to 221 days by 2025



Слайд 15Discussion (Continued)
Dropped from 250,000 in 2015 to 125,000 by 2025
Decreasing Sea-ice


Increasing Duration of Ice-free Season



Dropped from 250,000 in 2015 to 125,000 by 2025

The Number of Bearded Seals


Слайд 16Discussion (Continued)
Went from 62,000 in 2015 to 41,000 in 2025

Less Sea


Less Breeding

Smaller Number of Pups Born Each Year

Слайд 17Conclusion
Other species (e.g. polar bears) are also greatly impacted by sea

ice loss like bearded seals (Smith 1980)
Many rely on ice for breeding, feeding, molting, etc.
Decline of the bearded seal population also affects other animals, which in turn affects even more animals
e.g. less bearded seals causes polar bears to venture towards other prey → less ringed seals and harp seals → ultimately less polar bears (Thiemann et al 2008), (Wolkers et al 2004)
Help predict future changes in seal populations

Слайд 18Bibliography
Gagnon, Alexandre S., and William A. Gough. "Trends in the Dates

of Ice Freeze-up and Breakup over Hudson Bay, Canada." Arctic 58.4 (2005): 370-82. Print.
Johannessen, Ola M., Elena V. Shalina, and Martin W. Miles. "Satellite Evidence for an Arctic Sea Ice Cover in Transformation." Science 286.5446 (1999): 1937-939. Web.
Johnston, Kevin, Jay M. Ver Hoef, Konstantin Krivoruchko, and Neil Lucas. Using ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst. Redlands: ESRI, 2001. Print.
Karl, Thomas R., and Kevin E. Trenberth. "Modern Global Climate Change." Science 302.5651 (2003): 1719-723. Web. 30 July 2013.
McLaren, I. A. "Some Aspects of Growth and Reproduction of the Bearded Seal, Erignathus Barbatus (Erxleben)." Calanus 13th ser. (1958): 219-27. Web.
Myers, R. A., and W. D. Bowen. "Estimating Bias in Aerial Surveys of Harp Seal Pup Production." The Journal of Wildlife Management 52.2 (1989): 361-72. Web.
Smith, T. G. 1980. Polar bear predation of ringed and bearded seals in the land-fast sea ice habitat. Can. J. Zool. 58: 2201-2209.
Thiemann, Gregory W., Sara J. Iverson, and Ian Stirling. "Polar Bear Diets and Arctic Marine Food Webs: Insights from Fatty Acid Analysis." Ecological Monographs 78.4 (2008): 591-613. Web.
Wolkers, Hans, Bert V. Bavel, Andrew E. Derocher, Oystein Wiig, Kim M. Kovacs, Christian Lydersen, and Gunilla Lindstrom. "Congener-Specific Accumulation and Food Chain Transfer of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Two Arctic Food Chains."Environmental Science & Technology 6th ser. 38 (2004): 1667-674. Web.

Слайд 19Acknowledgements
I would like to thank Dr. Shawn Noren, Patrick Robinson, Walter,

and Katy Kriscunas for providing me with this wonderful experience and supporting me through my research.


Слайд 20Intertidal

Слайд 21

Whale Watching

Слайд 22

Steven Creeks:
The River Continuum Concept

Слайд 23Ano Nuevo

Слайд 24


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