zimnie kanikuly prezentatsiya 5 kl презентация

[ s ]  city, centre, central, December, celebrate [ k ]  Christmas, decorate, decoration, capital, carols, consist [ ɵ ]  the 25th of December, the 24th of December [ ə

Слайд 1
Winter Holidays
Winter Holidays

Слайд 2
[ s ]  city, centre, central, December, celebrate
[ k ]  Christmas,

decorate, decoration, capital, carols, consist
[ ɵ ]  the 25th of December, the 24th of December
[ ə ] decorate, collect, consist, potato
[ ɔ: ] for, before, Norway, thought, law
[ ʌ ] London, Londoners, colour, coloured,money

Слайд 3
True or faLse:

Christmas in an important autumn holiday
for the British.

Every year Londoners get a present from the people
of Norway.
There is a big Christmas tree in the centre of London
in December.
Groups of singers skate on the skating rink to collect
People get a lot of presents on Christmas day.
Christmas dinner consists only of fruit and vegetables.

Слайд 4What are people doing?
take photos, skate, listen to music,
speak on

the phone, sing Christmas songs
and carols, collect money for a charity,
decorate the Christmas tree
with coloured balls, have Christmas dinner,
enjoy Christmas

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