Why do you need to learn English презентация

People all over the world speaks English. Why not to teach at least him? It expands the horizon of your opportunities in life.

Слайд 1Why do you need to learn English?

Слайд 2People all over the world speaks English. Why not to teach

at least him?

It expands the horizon of your opportunities in life.

Слайд 3To marry the foreigner and to go to live the abroad.

need to study English if you want to make friends with people from other countries or even to fall in love.

Слайд 4Access to additional sources of information.
More than 50% of all websites

contain information in the Internet in English.

Слайд 5Cinema/music: an opportunity to enjoy masterpieces in the original.
It is much

more interesting to watch foreign movies without the translation as the voice and intonation of actors is heard.

Слайд 6For pleasure.

Слайд 7To get a good job.
Candidates with knowledge of English have a

chance to get paid 20-30% more, than all others.

Слайд 8To travel!

Слайд 9Time!
understanding that your time irrevocably leaves.

Слайд 10It will help you to look at the world in a

new way.

Слайд 12 George Carlin was an American stand-up comedian, actor, author, and

social critic. Carlin was noted for his black comedy and reflections on politics, the English language, psychology, religion, and various taboo subjects.

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