Intro2CS. Tirgul 9 презентация

Tirgul 9

Слайд 2What We’ll Be Seeing Today
Linked lists


Ex 9

Student enrollment system

Слайд 3Linked Lists
Separate the logical order of items from their physical order

in memory
Each item points to the location of the next item
Dynamically expands list as needed
Linked lists may also be used to implement other data structures, like queues and stacks
Always remember that when a link to an item is destroyed – the item can not be reached!

Слайд 4Important!
The two most common mistakes regarding lists are:
Disconnecting without keeping a

pointer to the head/tail of the list.
Trying to get the next of the trailing None.

Слайд 5Class Node
class Node:
def __init__(self, data=None, next=None):

self.__data = data
self.__next = next

def __str__(self):
return str(self.__data)

def get_data(self):
return self.__data

def get_next(self):
return self.__next

def set_data(self,data):
self.__data = data

def set_next(self,next):
self.__next = next

Слайд 6class Linked List
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self, head=None):

self.__head = head

def get_head(self):
return self.__head

def is_empty(self):
return self.__head == None

def add(self,new_head):
self.__head = new_head


Слайд 7class Linked List (cont)
class LinkedList:

def __len__(self):
current =

count = 0
while current is not None:
count = count + 1
current = current.get_next()

return count

def r_index(self, item):
return self.index_helper(self.__head, item, 0)

def index_helper(self, head, item, index):
if index >= self.__len__():
return -1
if head.get_data() == item:
return index
return self.index_helper(head.get_next(), item, index+1)


Слайд 8Reversing a list (O(n) complexity)
class LinkedList:

def rev_list1(self):
current = self.__head

self.__head = None
while current is not None:
next = current.get_next()
current = next

Слайд 9Can we do any better? Improved implementation of linked lists
a length variable

in init: self.__length = 0
update in add/remove
hold a pointer to the tail
going backwards?
doubly linked list

Слайд 10Doubly-linked list with a tail
Sometimes it is convenient that we can

add and remove items from both ends of the linked-list (e.g. if we want to use it both as a stack and a queue)
To support this methods we will need a doubly-linked list with both head and a tail


Слайд 11A doubly-linked list with a tail
class Node:
def __init__(self, data,

prev=None, next=None): = data
self.prev = prev = next

class DoublyLinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.__head = self.__tail = None
self.__length = 0

Слайд 12A doubly-linked list with a tail
def add_first(self, node):

if self.__head is None:
# list was empty
self.__tail = node
else: #connect old head to new node
self.__head.prev = node; = self.__head

# update head
self.__head = node
self.__length +=1

Слайд 13A doubly-linked list with a tail
def add_last(self, node):

if self.__tail is None:
# list was empty
self.__head = node
else: #connect old tail to new node = node;
node.prev = self.__tail
# update tail
self.__tail = node

Слайд 14A doubly-linked list with a tail
def remove_first(self):

d =
self.__head =
if self.__head is None: # list is now empty
self.__tail = None
else: # disconnect old head = None
self.__head.prev = None
self.__length -=1
return d

Слайд 15A doubly-linked list with a tail

def remove_last(self):

d =
self.__tail = self.__tail.prev
if self.__tail is None: # list is now empty
self.__head = None
else: # disconnect old tail = None = None
self.__length -=1
return d;

Слайд 16Linked Lists vs. Python’s List

Слайд 17Debugging with debugger
def mult_nums_in_list(numbers, mult):
for num in numbers:

num *= mult
return numbers

def add_to_end_of_list(numbers, addition):
for num in numbers:
new_num = num + addition
return numbers


Слайд 18Debugging with debugger
def mult_nums_in_list(numbers, mult):
for num in numbers: #should

be for num in range(len(numbers))
num *= mult # numbers[num] *= mult
return numbers

def add_to_end_of_list(numbers, addition):
for num in numbers:
new_num = num + addition
numbers.append(new_num) # list extends. Endless loop
return numbers


Слайд 19Add a break point

Слайд 20Run Debugger

Слайд 21List of Variables

Слайд 22Add variable to be watched

Слайд 23Step over/into/out

Step over

Слайд 24Step over/into/out

Step into

Слайд 25Step over/into/out

Step out

Слайд 27Ex 9 – Playing With Objects
You will only be given a

Screen class that handles all of the graphics for you
All of the actual design is left to you!
Most of the time games (and programs) are event driven:
Move right/left if a key pressed.
Fire when requested to.
Reduce HP if got shot.
We will take a more sequential approach.

Слайд 28Ex 9 – Game Loop
We can think that everything happens in

the same time!
All objects (ship, asteroids, torpedoes) move one after the other.
Only then we fire/accelerate (if requested)
More in the exercise.

Note: Try to implement it step by step (as described in the exercise description).

Слайд 29Question from the exam 2015:

Слайд 30Q from the exam

Слайд 31Q from the exam

Слайд 32Q from the exam

Слайд 33Q from the exam

Слайд 34Q from the exam

Слайд 35Q from the exam

Слайд 36Stacks and Queues
A stack is a last in, first out (LIFO)

data structure
Items are removed from a stack in the reverse order from the way they were inserted

A queue is a first in, first out (FIFO) data structure
Items are removed from a queue in the same order as they were inserted


Слайд 37Queues API
Queues (LIFO): What would be the API?
what are the

functions required in order to use it?

class MyQueue:
def __init__(self):

def enqueue(self,item):

def dequeue(self):

def get_size(self):

Слайд 38Implementing Queue
class MyQueue:
def __init__(self):
self.__head =

self.__tail = None
self.__size = 0

def get_size(self):
return self.__size

def is_empty(self):
if self.__size > 0:
return False
return True


Слайд 39Adding new item to the queue
def enqueue(self, item):
if self.__tail

== None:
self.__head = Node(item)
self.__tail = self.__head
# adding new item to the end of the list = Node(item)
self.__tail =
self.__size += 1


Слайд 40Removing an item from the queue
def dequeue(self, item):
result =
self.__head =
if self.__head == None:
self.__tail = None
self.__size -= 1
return result


Слайд 41Student Enrollment System
We want to design a system where students could

register to courses

What is the most basic expected behavior from such a system?
List all courses
Enroll into a course
Withdraw from a course

Слайд 42Thinking In Interfaces
We need to think about the properties of our

enrollment class:
Available courses?
Map students to courses?
Keep track of registered students?

Do we need to think on how we design students/courses at this stage?

Слайд 43Application Programming Interface
An “Application Programming Interface” (API) is a way for

us to expose the behavior of our objects without the actual way it was implemented.
Consider the list construct: The list object exposes a method called “sort” – does it matter which sort algorithm is used?
Most of the time what interest us is the final result.

Слайд 44Student Enrollment System - API
class EnrollmentSystem:
add_student(self, student):
add_course(self, course)
register_student(self, student, course_id)
Class Student:

Class Course
register(self, sid)

Слайд 45Enrollment System Class
class EnrollmentSystem:
def __init__(self):

= {}
self.__students = {}

def add_student(self, student):
# How can we map a student to a student object?

def add_course(self, course):
# How can we map a course to a course object?

self.__students[ student.get_id() ] = student

self.__courses[ course.get_id() ] = course

What are our assumptions?

Слайд 46Enrollment System Class
class EnrollmentSystem:
def __init__(self):
self.__courses = {}
self.__students = {}

def get_available_courses(self):
courses = []
for course_id, course in self.__courses.items():
if not course.is_full():
courses.append( ( course_id, course.get_name() ) )
return courses

What are our assumptions?

Слайд 47Enrollment System Class
What about registration?
class EnrollmentSystem:
def __init__(self):
self.__courses =

self.__students = {}

def register_student(self, student, course_id):
if course_id in self.__courses:
registered = self.__courses[ course_id ].register( student.get_id() )
if registered:
student.add_course( course_id )
return registered

What are our assumptions?

Слайд 48What did we assume so far?

Do the EnrollmentSystem care how we

implement these methods?

Слайд 49Student Class
class Student:
def __init__(self, student_id):
self.__enrolled_courses = set()
self.__id = student_id


return self.__id

def add_course(self, course_id):
self.__enrolled_courses.add( course_id )

Lets implement our basic student class

Слайд 50Course Class
class Course:
def __init__(self, course_id, course_capacity):
self.__enrolled_students = set()
self.__id =

self.__capacity = course_capacity

def get_id(self):
return self.__id

def register(self, student_id):
if student_id not in self.__enrolled_students and not self.is_full():
return True
return False

def is_full(self):
return self.__capacity == len(self.__enrolled_students)

Слайд 51Putting things together
We want to create an actual program using our

enrollment system

A user should be able to:
Add courses to the system
Register users to courses

Слайд 52Our main loop
from student import Student
from course import Course
from system import


def get_user_selection():
return int(input(“Enter selection:”) )

def main_loop():
es = EnrollmentSystem()
while True:
option = get_user_selection()
perform_selction(option, es)

def perform_selection(option, es):
if option == 1:
elif option == 2:
elif option == 3:
elif option == 4:
print(“Please insert a valid option”)

Слайд 53What’s next?
Well a lot is missing from the system
Actual implementation of

the methods ☺
Withdrawing from a course
Removing a course
Course info?

We can always come back and extend our system

Слайд 54To OOP or not to OOP? – A word on being


Not everything should be solved by new objects.
You should always think about the overhead of working with them.

For example, should you create a class to represent 2D points or could you just use tuples?

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Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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