Туристическая Казань. Kazan for tourists презентация

I often take guests from other regions and cities. So I have a list of places in Kazan for my "tourists". And I would like to share it with you. Let's

Слайд 1Kazan for tourists
Студент 4 курса
группы №4351
Хаматзянова Алина

Слайд 2I often take guests from other regions and cities. So I

have a list of places in Kazan for my "tourists". And I would like to share it with you.
Let's get started!

Слайд 3First in the list is the Kazan Kremlin, which is a

unique historical and cultural monument.

Слайд 4Suyumbike tower is seven-storey leaning tower, the legendary architectural symbol of


Слайд 5The city's waterfront.

Слайд 6The family centre of Kazan.

Слайд 7Mega is the biggest shopping center.

Слайд 8Football stadium "Kazan-arena“.

Слайд 9I go with guests to the Tatar theatre of the Galiasgar

Kamal to show them the culture and traditions of the population.

Слайд 10It is an architectural complex in Kazan. The Temple consists of

several types of religious architecture including a synagogue, an Orthodox church, a mosque.

Слайд 11Blue lake is located in 20 km from Kazan. This lake

has blue colour and ability not to freeze even in the winter.

Слайд 12Thank you for your attention!

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