The work of police презентация

Our police was created by the working people to protect their rights. The militia officers have always displayed courage and heroism in the fight against enemies of our state during the


Слайд 2Our police was created by the working people to protect their

rights. The militia officers have always displayed courage and heroism in the fight against enemies of our state during the Great Patriotic War.

Слайд 3In 2011 the name militia was changed. Now it’s called police.

Слайд 4The main aim of police is:
to maintain public order
to protect state

and personal property
to safeguard the rights of our citizens.

Слайд 5Today great attention in the work of police is paid to

prevention of crime, but if a crime has been committed, the police officers must solve the crime as quickly as possible.

Слайд 6The Organs of Internal Affairs are composed of different departments:
the Criminal

Detection Department
the Criminal Investigation Department
Economic Crimes Department
the State Auto-Inspection
the Transport police
the Juvenile Inspection
the Correctional System
the Service for the fight against organized crime

Слайд 7The officers of the Criminal Detection Department must detect, locate and

arrest the criminal, trace a fugitive who is hiding.

Слайд 8The officers of the Criminal Investigation Department must collect facts to

prove the guilt or innocence of the suspect, to present the evidence in court and to provide competent witnesses.

Слайд 9The State Auto-Inspection is responsible for safety on the roads.

Слайд 10The Transport Police maintains Law and Order on the railway, air

lines and water ways of the country.

Слайд 11The Juvenile Inspection works with «difficult» juveniles and their parents.

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