Phonetic substance of language and ways of its analysis and description. (Lecture 1) презентация

Слайд 1LECTURE 1
Phonetic substance of language and ways of its analysis and

1. Language use in oral verbal communication
2. Pronunciation as a way of materializing of oral form of language
3. Phonetic structure of language and its components
3.1 The system of sounds
3.2 The syllabic structure
3.3 Word/lexical stress
3.4 Intonation
4. Units of language speech
5.Phonetics as a science and its branches. Phonetics and phonology

Слайд 2Language teachers are expected to know:
How oral speech is produced
What language

resources are used
How they function to create a particular linguistic meaning

Слайд 3Verbal communication is the process of transmitting a verbal message from

a sender/speaker/addressor to a receiver/ listener/addressee, through a channel/medium.

Слайд 4

Two forms of verbal code:   Oral Written (sound/phonic material substance) (graphic)

Verbal communication apply:
Language skills language resources discourse
(listening, speaking, (phonology, grammar, vocabulary) (continuous stretch of language
reading, writing ) -oral or written-produced
as a result of an act of


Слайд 5Pronunciation is a phonic shaping of oral form of language

Слайд 7Language is shaped into a spoken message by means of its

phonic structure/sound matter treated as a combination of four components:

1. The segmental/ phonetic component
2. The syllabic structure
3. The accentual structure/ word stress/ lexical stress
4. Intonation

Слайд 8 The segmental/ phonemic components=sounds=phonemes=
linguistically distinctive, relevant

units capable of differentiating the meaning of morphemes, words.

Allophones/ variants are realization of a definite phoneme in definite positions in words.

Слайд 9 Sounds phonemes vowels


Segmental component includes

A system of phonemes Patterns of allophones Coarticulatory/

Слайд 10 Syllable is a unit of spoken message larger than

a single sound and smaller than a word.
Articulatory =we pronounce one syllable of a time auditorily= it is the smallest unit of perception.

Syllable structure

Syllabic formation Syllabic division/ separation

Слайд 11Stress is the amount of effort or energy expended in producing

a syllable.

Слайд 13

Pitch loudness/ prominence tempo

Languages stress-timed (isochronous) syllable-timed Phonic substance Segmental subsystem syllable structure prosody of the language

Слайд 15Phonetics is the science which studies the characteristics of human sound-making.


is the study of those segmental (speech sound types) and prosodic (intonation) features.


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