The Title of my project is Welcome to Russia! презентация

Слайд 1The Title of my project is «Welcome to Russia!»

Made By Mariya

8 «A» class.

Слайд 2My native country is Russia! It is the largest country in

the world.

Слайд 3The capital of Russia is Moscow

Слайд 4The population in my country is about 150 million people. It

should be remembered that not only Russians live in my country, but many other nations.

Слайд 5We have a lot of beautiful and clean cities.

Слайд 6Tourists from different countries come to admire our ancient places, museums,

cathedrals and churches.

Слайд 7When people think of Russia, they think of their traditions. For

example, combustion of a doll-bonfire on Maslenitsa, a fortune-telling on Christmas and preparation of an Easter cake.

Слайд 8Also Russia is popular for "Russian tracery".

Слайд 9We are very proud of our famous people. For example ,Vysotsky,


Слайд 10Russian people are believed to be hospitable, generous and our country

is known as surprising and interesting!!!

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