The First World war. Memorials in Russia and European Countries презентация

The First World War was the first world-wide military conflict including 38 independent states. It was one of the deadliest conflicts in history and provoked serious political changes.


The First World War

Слайд 2 The First World War was the first world-wide military

conflict including 38 independent states.
It was one of the deadliest conflicts in history and provoked serious political changes.

Слайд 3 There is a wide variety of memorials situated all

around the world in order to honour lives of millions of people.
One of them is
The tomb of the Unknown Soldier
in Paris, France.

Слайд 4 Another memorial is a Cenotaph
in the

UK. It was built in London, Whitehall street in 1919 to the first anniversary of the end of the war…

Слайд 5 The Menen Gate
is located in

Ypres, Belgium. The monument is dedicated to the soldiers of the Entente who defended the city during the First World War.
The project of modern Menen Gate was developed in 1921.

Слайд 6 The monument to the heroes of the First World

War was opened in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora on August 1, 2014 - on the centenary of the Russia's entry into the First World War.

Слайд 7 The monument Mother Bulgaria
is situated in the centre

of the Bulgarian town. It was erected in honour of soldiers who died in 4 wars including the First World War.

Слайд 8 One of the monuments is situated in Azov. It

is dedicated to the soldiers and officers of the Russian Imperial army, who took part in the First World War.
It was built in 2014.

Слайд 9 There is a complex of the monuments in Moscow.

Different obelisks and statues are situated there.

Слайд 10People will never forget the terrible effects of the bloodshed during

the First Word War. Memorials all around the world will remind us of it.

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