Stars. Questions презентация

Questions What do you know about stars? Do you know how many stars are known? Which stars can you name?

Слайд 1Stars

Слайд 2Questions
What do you know about stars?
Do you know how many

stars are known?
Which stars can you name?

Слайд 3Star is
Big sphere in the space with thermonuclear reactions happening inside

Слайд 4Characteristics

Слайд 5Task
Match stars to their distances to Earth

Слайд 7Answer

Слайд 8Sun
What do you know about our star?

Слайд 9Questions
Is The Sun young, medium or old star?
Is the Sun

bright, light or dark star?
Is the Sun small, medium or large star?


Слайд 20Black Hole


Слайд 22Distance from Earth (kilometers)

Слайд 23Size of our star

Слайд 24Size of our star

Слайд 25Size of our star

Слайд 26Brightness of our star

Слайд 27Brightness of our star

Слайд 28Brightness of our star

Слайд 29Brightness of our star

Слайд 30Brightness of our star

Слайд 31Brightness of our star

Слайд 32Brightness of our star

Слайд 33Brightness of our star

Слайд 34Brightness of our star

Слайд 35Temperature of our star

Слайд 36Temperature of our star

Слайд 37Temperature of our star

Слайд 38Temperature of our star

Слайд 39Temperature of our star

Слайд 40Temperature of our star

Слайд 41Temperature of our star

Слайд 42Temperature of our star

Слайд 43Temperature of our star

Слайд 44Temperature of our star

Слайд 45Temperature of our star

Слайд 46Temperature of our star

Слайд 47Temperature of our star

Слайд 48Temperature of our star

Слайд 49Temperature of our star

Слайд 50Temperature of our star

Слайд 51Temperature of our star

Слайд 52Temperature of our star

Слайд 53Temperature of our star

Слайд 54Temperature of our star

Слайд 55Temperature of our star

Слайд 56Temperature of our star

Слайд 57Temperature of our star

Слайд 58Temperature of our star

Слайд 59Temperature of our star

Слайд 60Temperature of our star

Слайд 61Temperature of our star

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