Puzata Hata (Ukraine) презентация

Слайд 1by Fedorenko Irina
Puzata Hata

Слайд 2The first part of my presentation is about the company structure

of Puzata Hata (Ukraine).
The second part looks at the present activity of the company in the Ukraine.
And in the last part I want to talk about our future plans.

Слайд 3Let`s start with the parent company. As you know, Puzata Hata

is a subsidiary of Global Restaurants. There are other brands in the group, such as Sushi Life and Mafia.

Слайд 4The President of Puzata Hata (Ukraine) is Alexander and Viacheslav Konstantinovskiy.

Слайд 5Now, let`s look at our present activity. Business is very good.

People in Ukraine like tasty and home feed! We have sales of over £300 million from 400 outlets.

Слайд 6We employ about 10,000 people.

Слайд 7In Ukraine our brand is very well-known. 80% of the population

eat at Puzata Hata at least once a year.

Слайд 8On top of that, we deliver 75,000,000 servings of dumplings to

people`s homes.

Слайд 9Dumplings are our main product, but we also sell a lot

of soups, salads, desserts, and drinks.

Слайд 10Finally, the future, In the next ten years we plan to

open at least another hundred restaurants. At the moment, our market share of all meals in restaurants in Ukraine is 6%. We would like to increase that number to 10% in the next ten years. With our customers and our staff, that aim is possible.

Слайд 11Thank you for listening.

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