Project My action plan Getting ready for the future презентация

Done by
Egor Zharikov


Слайд 2My ambition
I want to get a higher education, that’s why I

am going to go in the 10th form. After school I wish to enter the university. It is my dream. At the university I am going to get a language education because I am fond of foreign languages.

Слайд 3My experience
Up to now I have already been learning the English

language for 8 years. I can say that my English skills are quite good. Also I study English with a private teacher which helps me a lot. I practice my English in the Internet through chatting with foreign students.

Слайд 4My skills
As for my skills, I can say that I am

good at translating simple texts. I am able to explain some topics for weaker pupils. Lately I have started to train hard on my English grammar. I wish to upgrade my skills in different languages all my life, because language is a necessary thing for the future employment.

Слайд 5I need to…
I think I need to improve my English skills.

Yes, I agree that I have to study the English language more. I want to practice my language qualifications in real life, to try to speak more, preferably with native speakers.

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Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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