Project Friends for life презентация

Meet my friend Sasha. She is pretty, isn’t she? Sasha is 16. She is honest, easygoing and helpful! She is a slim, beautiful girl. She does well in her studies.


Слайд 2Meet my friend Sasha. She is pretty, isn’t she? Sasha is

16. She is honest, easygoing and helpful! She is a slim, beautiful girl. She does well in her studies. Always tells the truth and is always in a good mood. She is ambitious.

Слайд 3
I'm friends with her since birth. We hit it off right

from the start. I found something in common with him, so it is very easy to communicate.

Слайд 4Our life – adventure . We always together.
Once I found a

stray cat. I had to take a picture of it and put on the Internet, but with him I did not have a camera .Sasha told me that she would have a lot to do. I knew that Sasha was busy, but I called her and told about this find. She dropped her bags and ran to my house for the camera, and come to me .

Слайд 5It showed that I could count, Sasha, when I have problems.

She remains true to our friendship.

Слайд 6I think that people should have a few friends. If they

make friends they will never feel lonely. In my opinion, good friends to help you when you have problems. In addition, you will never get bored with them

Our homeroom teacher

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