Обучение говорению (монолог) на ИЯ (9 класс) презентация

Цель Овладение монологической речью

Слайд 1Обучение говорению (монолог) на ИЯ (9 класс)
Выполнили : Крохина Василиса, Белоусова

Дарья , гр. 1501

Слайд 2Цель
Овладение монологической речью

Слайд 3ФГОС
Происходит дальнейшее развитие и совершенствование связных высказываний с использованием основных коммуникативных

типов речи: описание, сообщение, рассказ (включающий эмоционально-оценочные суждения), рассуждение (характеристика) с высказыванием своего мнения и краткой аргументацией с опорой и без опоры на прочитанный или услышанный текст либо заданную коммуникативную ситуацию. до 10— 12 фраз (8—9 классы). Продолжительность монолога — 1,5— 2 мин (9 класс).

Слайд 4Controlled
1. Look at the photos and say :
What jobs are

the people doing ?
What sort of person would be suitable for these jobs?
Would you like to try these kind of job? Why?

Слайд 5Controlled
2. Look at the words down below and say what are

the most important personal adjectives for every kind of job :


Слайд 6Controlled
Key Words :

3. Work in pairs. Look at the Key

Words below. How many jobs related to the career areas can you think of in two minutes ?

Example : art – artist,painter,sculptor

Слайд 7Controlled
4. Guess the job by its definition.
An artist who carves or

models in stone, clay, wood…
A person who gives knowledge, skill, wisdom to a person; who instructs or trains…
A person who is trained to treat ill people…
A writer for newspapers and magazines…
Someone who sells or arranges trips or tours for customers…

Слайд 8Controlled
Computer programmer
Fashion model
Police officer
Street cleaner
Fire fighter

5. Look at the list of

jobs. Choose two which you think should be the best paid and the lowest paid. Explain your reasons.

Слайд 9Guided
– Where can people look for a job?
– What kind of

jobs can people have?
– What prospects can jobs offer?
– What can your choice of job be influenced by?
– Jobs can be attractive and not attractive. What qualities make them such?
– Who and what can help you to make your choice?
– What are the most popular and important jobs?

6. Ask the following questions using the Key Words .

Key words (Exchange, market, Full-time, part-time, regular, odd jobs, be job satisfied, friendly atmosphere, good conditions, training, travel, active, calm, independent)

Слайд 10Guided
Is the work that a person does regularly in order to

earn money…
Is a job that requires special training, often a university education and brings a rather high social status…
Is a job or profession…
Is the series of jobs that a person does in his or her life usually in one and the same field…

7. Give a definition to words (A job, A profession, An occupation, A career).

Слайд 11Guided
8. Now look at the spidergram. Complete it and make a

short monologue on the topic using following phrases :
…means/is to work…
To get/ find…, one should….

…shouldn’t be…

Слайд 12Guided
9. “Odd jobs” mean both strange jobs and small jobs (e.g.

washing someone’s car). Have you ever done any odd jobs? Give a short speech.

Слайд 13Guided
10. Think about your country and answer the following questions :

many students get holiday jobs in you country ? What sort of jobs?
Do they prepare you for interviews in your school? Is this a good idea? Why or why not?
What do you know about job market in your country in general?

Слайд 14Free
11. Tell your own sinkwein poem. For example :
Caring, attentive

treats, cures
Helps people

Слайд 15Система оценивания
Оценка 5 : ученик допустил не больше одной грамматической

ошибки, использование активного вокабуляра;
Оценка 4 :одна логическая ошибка , не больше 2-3 грамматических ошибок;
Оценка 3 : 2 логические ошибки, не больше 4-х грамматических ошибок ;
Оценка 2 : больше 2-х логических ошибок, не использован вокабуляр, больше 5 грамматических ошибок

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