Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida de Niemeyer Soares Filho презентация

In the second half of the 1930s in Brazil began to take shape Brazilian national school of modern architecture. Her first work was the building of the Ministry of Education and

Слайд 1Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida de Niemeyer Soares Filho
December 15, 1907
December 5th,


Слайд 2In the second half of the 1930s in Brazil began to

take shape Brazilian national school of modern architecture. Her first work was the building of the Ministry of Education and Health in Rio de Janeiro.

Слайд 3Since 1957, the Master Plan Niemeyer, Lucio Costa carries out the

future development of the new capital - the city of Brasilia

Слайд 4Niemeyer architecture distinguishes plasticity, expressiveness and warmth. He was one of

the first saw and realized the artistic possibilities of reinforced concrete.

Слайд 5On the eve of the centennial Niemeyer Vladimir Putin signed a

decree awarding the Order of Friendship of architect

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