My idol Danis Zinurovich Zaripov презентация

. Danis Zinurovich Zaripov was born on March 26, 1981. in Chelyabinsk, the USSR. Russian hockey player, extreme hitter. Most of the career played on the left edge, now

Слайд 1Zaripov Danis

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Ibatullin Adel

My idol

Слайд 2.

Danis Zinurovich Zaripov was born on March 26, 1981. in Chelyabinsk,

the USSR. Russian hockey player, extreme hitter. Most of the career played on the left edge, now on the right. As part of the Russian team in 2008, 2009 and 2014 he became world champion. The only four-time winner of the Gagarin Cup (in 2009 and 2010 - as part of the Kazan "Ak Bars", in 2014 and 2016 - in the Magnitogorsk "Metallurg"),

Слайд 3 Has awards:

Master of Sports of Russia (2009).

Chevalier of the Order of Honor (2014)

Слайд 4Zaripov Danis

Слайд 5
Zaripov is my idol since early childhood. I watched him play

in Ak Bars in 2009. Already at that time showed a good game. This he impressed me. I would like to learn how to play it, but this requires a lot of training.

Слайд 6
Danis Zaripov after the early termination of the disqualification (6 months

out of 2 years) for the positive result of the doping test, on November 23, 2017 returned to the Kazan "Ak Bars". I am very pleased with this news.
I expect more heads from him and I want to raise the Gagarin Cup over my head.

Слайд 8
Тhank you for your attention!!!

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