Future Continuous презентация

Dental Clinics Dental clinics provide patients with preventive and standard dental care, including emergency dental care. Services include teeth cleanings, teeth whitening, x-rays, root canals, crowns, fillings and orthodontics. Multiple types

Слайд 1Dental Clinics
Made by: Tashkeev.A
Faculty of Dentistry
Group 2-006

Karaganda State Medical University
Chair of

Foreign Languages

Karaganda 2016

Слайд 2Dental Clinics
Dental clinics provide patients with preventive and standard dental care,

including emergency dental care. Services include teeth cleanings, teeth whitening, x-rays, root canals, crowns, fillings and orthodontics. Multiple types of dental practices exist, each of which caters to a different type of community, including the privately insured, the publicly insured and the uninsured.

Слайд 3Dental Clinics
According to the American Dental Association, nearly all dentists are

in private practice. Specifically, it is estimated as many as three out of four dentists are solo practitioners. Private practitioners work as licensed, self-employed dentists. Because of the relatively small size of the organization, patients usually get more personalized care from private practitioners.Because there is no administrative structure, solo practitioners must oversee administrative tasks for the practice, including bookkeeping and procurement. A hospital dental clinic operates as a division of a hospital group. Its dentists work directly for the hospital. These dental clinics usually are on hospital grounds or in annexed buildings near the hospital.

Слайд 4Dental Clinics
Community health centers frequently provide dental services in addition to

general health care services. These types of clinics serve a particular community or population and combine the efforts of hospitals, the government and the health care industry to provide its community members with adequate health care services. Often, such health centers receive federal funding to subsidize care for the poor and uninsured.Unlike private practices in which one dentist operates a clinic by himself, a group practice is an association of dental professionals. These professionals work together, sharing space and using the same equipment. Although care might be less personal than private practice, the presence of more dentists allows the practice to treat more patients and pool resources to buy more equipment and hire more staff.

Слайд 5Future Continuous (будущее длительное время)
Время Future Continuous указывает на процесс, который будет длиться

в определенный момент в будущем. В отличие от времени Future Simple, этот момент в будущем должен быть назван прямо (tomorrow at 4 o’clock, when we meet) или быть очевидным из контекста.

Слайд 6Образование Future Continuous
Утвердительные предложения:
I shall be playing.
We shall be playing.
You will

be playing.
You will be playing.
He / she / it will be playing.
They will be playing.
Вопросительные предложения:
Shall I be playing?
Shall we be playing?
Will you be playing?
Will you be playing?
Will he / she / it be playing?
Will they be playing?
Отрицательные предложения:
I shall not be playing.
We shall not be playing.
You will not be playing.
You will not be playing.
He / she / it will not be playing.
They will not be playing.

Слайд 7Образование Future Continuous
Для того, чтобы поставить глагол в форму Future Continuous, нужен

вспомогательный глагол to be в будущем времени и причастие настоящего времени (Participle I) смыслового глагола.
To be в будущем времени имеет две формы:
shall be – 1 лицо. (I shall be studying. We shall be running.)
will be – 2  и 3 лицо. (They will be packing presents.)
Примечание:Личные местоимения и вспомогательный глагол часто сокращаются до I’ll, he’ll, they’ll и т. д.
В вопросительном предложении shall / will выносится на место перед подлежащим, а to be и смысловой глагол остаются после него:
Why did you bring an album? Shall we be studying painting? Зачем Вы принесли альбом? Мы будем изучать живопись?
В отрицательных предложениях после shall / will ставится отрицательная частица not. Вместе они могут быть сокращены до формы shan’t (чаще в брит. английском) или won’t:

Слайд 8Примеры по теме
-The dentist will not be curing my tooth tomorrow

at 4 o'clock
+The dentist will be curing my tooth tomorrow at 4 o'clock.
? Will the dentist be curing my tooth tomorrow at 4 o'clock?

Слайд 9Thank You for attention!

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