Startups. 10 facts About the World's презентация

10 facts About the World's Billion-Dollar Startups 1. 94% of the unicorn founders are Men, 6% are Women. 2. Stanford, Harvard and University of California are the top 3

Слайд 1Startups
-10 facts About the World's Billion-Dollar Startups

-Cardiomo - a gadget for

tracking the work of the heart

Слайд 210 facts About the World's Billion-Dollar Startups

1. 94% of the unicorn

founders are Men, 6% are Women.

2. Stanford, Harvard and University of California are the top 3 alma maters of unicorn founders.

3. California is home to the most unicorn companies. New York has the second highest and the third jumps overseas to Beijing.

4. In Europe, London is the city with the most billion-dollar companies. Berlin is number two and Stockholm three.

5. 67% of the companies were launched
by co-founders.

6. 33% were started by only one founder.

Слайд 37. 60% of the founders who reached the billion-dollar mark are

first time founders. 23% percent of founders are on their second attempts.

8. The people who have launched companies before receive higher valuations on their companies than first timers, an average of $5.88 billion compared to $4.29 billion.

9. The top three industries with the most unicorns are consumer internet, software and ecommerce.

10. The industries with the top valuations are slightly different. Consumer internet is still at the top. Those companies have a combined value of nearly $319 billion. But financial services is at number two with a combined value of more than $132 billion. Ecommerce is number three.

facts About the World's Billion-Dollar

Слайд 4Ukrainian start-up Cardiomo wins international competition of pitches from Techstars at

CES in Las Vegas

So, what is Cardiomo?

Слайд 6 Something big always begins with something

The idea of creating Cardiomo came up with a simple wish to take care of our relatives despite being far from each other. Since the founding day we’ve achieved many successes on both local and international level.

About Us


Roman Belkin
CTO / co-Founder
MS in IT, Hardware Engineering
16 years in Hardware Engineering
4 years in medical device development

Ksenia Belkina
CEO / co-Founder
MA in Psychology, International relations
7 years in Project Management
3 years in healthcare programs

Слайд 7Our team
Cardiomo is the team of engineers, cardiologists, designers and managers

with different
background and experience. We are driven by the idea of possibility to save millions of lives.

Слайд 8


Activity Including Steps

Heart rate variability

Cardio Stress Level

Vital Energy Activity

Слайд 10
The First Consumer Health Monitoring Ecosystem

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