Castles of Scotland презентация

Слайд 1Castles of Scotland

Слайд 2

Scotland is a very mountainous country; three-fourth of the

area of Scotland is occupied by mountains with a great amount of moorland, in which few people live.

area [‘ɛərɪə] – площадь, пространство
moorland [‘muələnd] – вересковая пусташь

Слайд 3 Scotland is famous for her beautiful large lakes with

mountains, round them. Scotland is the fine country with a beautiful landscapes and ancient traditions.

Слайд 4 The most important sight of Scotland is Castles.

Scotland has many beautiful castles.
The first castles were built in Scotland in the 11th and 12th centuries.

sight [saɪt] - достопримечательности

Слайд 5Why does Scotland have so many castles?
It's because

this nation had a many battles with numerous invasions (the Normans, Vikings and Romans), and (until the 18th Century) an ongoing, almost continual, conflict between Scotland and the rest of Britain. The fact that so many castles are still standing is testament and the skill of the ancient Scottish people who built them.

invasion [ɪn’veɪʒən] – вторжения
testament [‘testəmənt] – завещание, завет
skill [skɪl] – умение, мастерство

Слайд 6 Scottish castles are closely tied to the Clans of

Scotland and the Scottish monarchy. Each clan would have a castle within their territory, where the Clan Chief and his family would live.

tied [taɪ] – связаны

Слайд 7Edinburgh Castle
Edinburgh Castle is a fortress which dominates the

skyline of the city of Edinburgh. There has been a royal castle here since at least the reign of David I in the 12th century. It’s importance as a historic monument was recognized from the 19th century, and various restoration programmes have been carried out since.

fortress [‘fɔ:trɪs] – крепость
skyline [‘skaɪlaɪn] – горизонт
royal [‘rɔɪəl] – королевский
recognize [‘rekəɡnaɪz] – признавать

Слайд 8Balmoral Castle
Balmoral Castle has been one of the residences

of the British Royal Family since 1852, when it was purchased by Queen Victoria and her consort, Prince Albert. Soon after the estate was purchased the existing house was found to be too small. It was demolished, and the current Balmoral Castle was completed in 1856.

purchase -[ˈpə:tʃəs] – покупать
estate [ɪsˈteɪt] – недвижимость
exist [ɪɡˈzɪst] – существующий

Слайд 9Glamis Castle
Glamis Castle is situated beside the village of

Glamis in Angus, Scotland. It is the home of the Earl and Countess of Strathmore and is open to the public.
Glamis Castle has been the home of the Lyon family since the 14th century, though the present building dates largely from the 17th century.

Countess [ˈkauntɪs] – Графиня

Слайд 10Fraser Castle
Castle Fraser is known as one of

the grandest 'Castles of Mar'', construction of the elaborate, five-storey castle was begun in 1575 by the 6th Laird of Fraser, Michael Fraser, on the basis of an earlier tower, and was completed in 1636.

construction [kən’strʌkʃən] - строительство
elaborate [ɪ'læb(ə)rɪt] - разработанный

Слайд 11Dunrobin Castle
Dunrobin Castle is a stately home in Sutherland,

in the Highland area of Scotland. It is the seat of the Countess of Sutherland and the Clan Sutherland. Dunrobin's origins lie in the Middle Ages, but most of the present building is the work of Sir Charles Barry,who greatly extended the building in 1845.

extend [ɪksˈtend] – расширять
stately [ˈsteɪtlɪ] – величествен-

Слайд 12Kellie Castle
The earliest records of Kellie go back to

1150 where it is mentioned in a charter issued by King David I. The main castle contents were given into the care of the Trust by the Secretary of State for Scotland and, in 1998 the Trust purchased the Lorimer family artifacts. The castle and gardens are open to the public.

mention [ˈmenʃən] – упоминать
issue [ˈɪʃu:] – выпускать
сontent ['kɔntent] – содержание

Слайд 13Eilean Donan

The castle was founded in the 13th century,

but was destroyed in the 18th century. The present buildings are the result of 20th century reconstruction.Eilean Donan Castle is the home of the Clan Macrae.

destroy [dɪs’trɔɪ] – разрушать

Слайд 14 So, although the castles of Scotland were mostly built

during the period between the 11th - 14th centuries, they've proved themselves to be as strong and resilient as their creators intended, and still stand strong and proud..... bearing witness not just to Scotlands' fascinating past, but to the tenacity, bravery and love of tradition that still lives in the heart of every Scot today!

during [ˈdjuərɪŋ] – в течение
resilient [rɪˈzɪlɪənt] – эластичный
bearing [ˈbɛərɪŋ] - является
witness [ˈwɪtnɪs] – свидетель
fascinating [ˈfæsɪneɪtɪŋ] – захватывающий
tenacity [tɪˈnæsɪtɪ] – упорство
bravery [ˈbreɪvərɪ] - храбрость

Слайд 15Answer questions:
What Scotland is well-known?
What is the most important sight in

When the first Castles in Scotland were constructed?
Why does Scotland have so many castles?
Each clan in Scotland have a Castle, isn't it?
What the most famous Castle in Scotland?

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