Application of basic ways of studying vocabulary on English lessons презентация

Слайд 2
Nowadays English is an international language. For this reason, students need

to develop Vocabulary to learn English language.

The actuality of the course work:

Слайд 3

The aims of course work
To show several ways that can

be used for teaching Vocabulary to young learners.

To demonstrate the reason of teaching Vocabulary to young learners in extraordinary ways.

Слайд 4
the usage of Vocabulary in teaching pupils’ language skills.
The object


the process of learning a foreign language through Vocabulary.

Слайд 5Teaching vocabulary
What is vocabulary?
Vocabulary can be defined as the

words we teach in the foreign language.
Vocabulary is the glue that holds stories, ideas and content together making comprehension accessible.
What needs to be taught?
Meaning. Form: pronunciation and spelling.

Слайд 6 How to teach vocabulary
Step 1: Provide a description,

explanation or example of the new term.
Step 2: Ask students the description, explanation or example in their own words.
Step 3: Ask students to construct a picture, symbol, or graphic representing the term or phrase.
Step 4: Engage students periodically in activities that help them add to their knowledge of the terms in their notebooks.
Step 5: Periodically ask student to discuss the term with a partner
Step 6: Involve students periodically in games that allow them to play with terms.

Слайд 7Steps in teaching a new word
Pronounce the word 2 or 3

times while the pupils listen.
Show the meaning of a word by using suitable technique.
Have the pupils repeat the word after the teacher (in chorus , groups and individually)
Write the word on the board and pupils read and copy it.
Ask questions for comprehension.
Encourage pupils to use the word themselves.

Слайд 9 Сonclusion

Practical part was realized as an experiment

in the classroom. I presented the same target language for two groups of students, using different approach for each.
Phenomena proved during the practical part could be summed up in short:
- grammar-translation students tend to use rather narrow range of language with problems to integrate it within context
- conscious learning of rules does not lead to language acquisition
- communicative approach prepares students for real communication, students are not anxious about experiments with language and they are able to respond the context well.

Слайд 10 for your attention!
Thank you

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