About me from. A to Z презентация

I am an ambitious person. I live in Astrakhan

A to Z
Vera Gennadievna
ПЕ – 11/12

Слайд 2I am an ambitious person.
I live in Astrakhan

Слайд 3Our school is one of the best schools.
I’m keen on reading


Слайд 4I’m creativity person.
My favorite writer is
Cecelia Ahern.

Слайд 5I decided that I want to be a teacher when I

was at the age of thirteen.
My favorite animal is dog.

Слайд 6I enjoy every bit of my job.
My favorite singer is


Слайд 7Children are our future.
I write fantasy stories.

Слайд 8I often organize group work for my pupils.
My favourite subject is


Слайд 9I graduated with honours.
I love children with all my heart.

Слайд 10I believe that teaching is the most important profession in the

My dream is to go to Italy.

Слайд 11Teaching is the best job.
My favourite month is 

Слайд 12I always wanted to share my knowledge.
My address is 9 Komsomolskaya


Слайд 13Our school has a good library.
My favourite food is lemon cake.

Слайд 14I always give good marks my pupils.
My favourite flower is


Слайд 15Teaching is a noble profession.
I was born in Novokuznetsk.

Слайд 16I'm a primary school teacher at Oranzhereyninskaya secondary school.
My favourite food

is okroshka.

Слайд 17I’m interested
in pedagogy.
What about my character, I am a polite person.

Слайд 18People who know me well, say that I am a quietly

I dream of having a big quarters.

Слайд 19I'm a teacher responsible for teaching. I am from Russia.

Слайд 20 I am the teacher who is always smiling.
I was born

on the 7th of September.

Слайд 21I am twenty two years old.
I'm a primary school teacher.

Слайд 22

I want to understand children.
I’m a first-year student of the Astrakhan

State University.

Слайд 23I like to visit interesting places with my pupils.
My name is


Слайд 24I have been working for
1 year.
My favourite berry is watermelon.

Слайд 25We do exercises for the eyes with pupils.
My favourite
TV programme is


Слайд 26I'm a young specialist.
My favourite color is yellow.

Слайд 27

I like going to the zoo with pupils
My favourite musical group

is «Zibbz».


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