A tongue twister. How many houses had a horse If a horse could have a house? презентация

Слайд 1A tongue twister

How many houses had a horse
If a horse

could have a house?

Слайд 2
A typical English house

Слайд 3Where is Pete?

Слайд 4Where’s Peggy?

Слайд 5Where’s the book?

Слайд 6Where’s Tom?

Слайд 7Where’s Nick?

Слайд 8Where’s Den?

Слайд 9Where are they?

Слайд 10Where are Jim and Pam?

Слайд 11Make the sentences:
1) flat / two / beds / in my

friend’s / There are

2) is / no / TV / room / There / in my

3)There / two / lamp / between / is / a / desks

4)Any / flowers / in / are there / your room ?

5) There / desk / computer / is / a / on Jim’s

There are two beds in my friend’s flat.

There is no TV in my room.

There is a lamp between two desks.

Are there any flowers in your room?

There is a computer on Jim’s desk.

Слайд 12 Semi-detached house

Слайд 14Stairs


Слайд 15Fireplace

Слайд 16Central heating

Слайд 17Word Box

And in

the have

Слайд 18Check yourselves!

Слайд 19Dialogue

Слайд 20Match the two halves of the proverbs
East or West
Every bird

no place,
An Englishman`s house
Every dog
Home is where

like home
home is the best
likes its own nest
is a lion at home
the heart is
is his castle

Слайд 21English Homes

Слайд 22Work in teams. The winner team is that who will do

this task quick and correct. Mark the following statements False(F) or True(T)

1. Traditional English Houses have two floors.
2.The bedrooms and bathrooms are usually downstairs on the ground floor.
3.The kitchen and the hall are upstairs on the first floor.
4.The living room is usually the largest room in the house.
5.English people have a fire-place in the living room.
6.Englishmen like to grow beautiful flowers in front of the houses.

Слайд 23Work in teams. Answer the questions. The team is the winner

if it gets more correct answers.

1. Where do many English families live?
2. How many floors has the traditional English house got?
3. What rooms are usually upstairs?
4. What rooms are usually downstairs?
5.What is the largest room in the traditional English house?
6.What do English people usually have in their living room?
7. Where do English people grow beautiful flowers?
8. What do English people think of their homes?

Слайд 24

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Слайд 25Thank you for your attention!

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