10 of the best professions презентация

Слайд 1Сompleted
student group D -32
Malyarenko Elena
10 of the best professions

Слайд 2Physician
Physician — a specialist with higher medical education, which is in

accordance with the law is constantly engaged in the maintenance or restoration of health, for the prevention (prevention), recognition (diagnosis) and treatment of diseases and injuries. This is possible thanks to the fundamental knowledge on anatomy, physiology and diseases and treatment of the science of medicine, his experience and practice the art of medicine.

Слайд 3Teacher
Teacher — person who teaches other people (their students), gives them

some knowledge about life. In a narrow sense is a specialist who conducts training and educational work with students in secondary schools of different types. In the Ukrainian language the word teacher and the teacher have the same value, but are used in different cases. The teacher is written if the previous word ends in a vowel or the letter "and". For example, my teacher, my favorite teacher.Teacher — a person engaged in teaching or educational work, and has necessary training in this field. A scientist, a scientist engaged in theoretical problems of pedagogy. The contents of the profession in the education of the younger generation.

Слайд 4Fireman

Fireman (firefighter) — the employee of fire protection. Extinguishes fires, rescues

and evacuating people, and also prevents such cases. A firefighter must know the rules of first aid, to possess a strong mentality, stress tolerance.

Слайд 5Рoliceman
  The policeman Ensures adherence to the rule of law in the

assigned area, district or city. A policeman can be called the investigator and the operative worker, and the precinct, and traffic police... Every job requires its qualities, education and skills.Fireman (firefighter) — the employee of fire protection. Extinguishes fires, rescues and evacuating people, and also prevents such cases.A firefighter must know the rules of first aid, to possess a strong mentality, stress tolerance.

Слайд 6Engineer
Engineer — a person professionally engaged in the engineering, that is

based on the combination of applied scientific knowledge, mathematics and ingenuity finds new solutions to technical problems.In most countries (e.g. Germany and Canada), the level of professionalism of the engineers is tightly controlled, usually through the control (i.e. the obligation) of obtaining appropriate (that is officially defined and recognized as engineering, sometimes technological) education in such countries, aknemycin, Austria and others different status (and academic title) of "chartered engineer", but, for example, in France the title of "qualified engineer".

Слайд 7Сook
A chef is a person who cooks professionally for other people,

usually in catering establishments.The chef prepares soups, main dishes, other food, knows how to store food and preparing different dishes according to the recipes and knows how to make ready-made meals. Organizes the storage of products in accordance with sanitary standards. Despite the fact that the cook on the catering uses established recipes, he can change them depending on the quality of raw materials and consumers. Works indoors in conditions of high temperature.

Слайд 8Accountant
 Accountant — head of operational work, the controller legality and regularity

of transactions at the Bank, the organizer of the technology of these operations, not only in his Bank, but also in enterprises and organizations served by the Bank.The technical work he is not engaged in, and performs, as a rule, only the control functions, that is, verifies and signs the documents for some transactions where errors can specilities to the loss of funds and values, or where necessary to safeguard financial discipline.

Слайд 9Farmers
  Farmers — category of entrepreneurs in agriculture.Farmers

are owners or tenants of land, which have their farm family and/or with the use of hired labor. Engaged in the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products through the use of property located on the leasehold, lifelong inheritable possession or in ownership.

Слайд 10Аrtist
The artist as creative worker in the field of fine art;

painter, graphic artist, sculptor, master, combst.In a figurative sense, the artist — any artist (poet, prose writer, composer, etc), which skillfully uses in his works of art funds.

Слайд 11Photographer
Photographer or SwetsWise — the person who creates the pictures with

the camera.Photographers can be professionals or Amateurs. Professionals earn a photo on life Amateurs for fun.The work of the photographer may be shooting a simple still life, portrait, landscape, etc., or capturing and processing of the material. The best part may be the work of one photographer, and the work of a whole group of people. For example, photographer, assistant, makeup artist, models, food stylist, decorator, fashion designer, etc.Professionals often are divided into smaller occupation: photojournalists, wedding photographers, model, advertising, landscape, sports. There are those that do multiple kinds of photography.Photographer, first and foremost, demonstrates the imprint of his gaze. Therefore, the photographer is the artist. Since the early days of photography between photographers and other representatives of things there was a conflict of perception photography. The first thought of her art, second – technical process. But over time, the majority recognized that the image creation is first of all a composition, vision and invention, and secondly – technical process, which also later became a tool stokers.

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