SurveyMonkey Office Hours презентация

Today’s topic: How many people do I need to take my survey?

Слайд 1SurveyMonkey Office Hours
Sarah Cho, Survey Research Scientist
JUNE 9, 2014

Слайд 2Today’s topic: How many people do I need to take my


Слайд 3Meet Kathy, a teacher and event organizer
Organized a conference for teachers

and wants to gather feedback on the conference

How many
do I need?

Слайд 4Questions to answer before you start surveying
Who is your target population?

is the size of your target population?
How much error are you willing to tolerate?
What type of response rate do you expect?
Are you thinking of breaking the data down by subgroups?

Слайд 5Who is your target population?
Conference attendees
Invited teachers who did not


Слайд 6What is the size of your target population?
2500 teachers were invited

to the conference
Target population #1: 500 teachers registered and attended (attendees)
Target population #2: 2000 teachers who were invited but did not attend (non-attendees)

Слайд 7How much error are you willing to tolerate?
Attendees: Make improvements

to conference agenda and amenities
Non-attendees: Improve program quality or relocate conference to improve attendance rate

Слайд 8How much error are you willing to tolerate?

Слайд 9What type of response rate do you expect?
Attendees: 75%
Non-attendees: 25%

How many
teachers will take
my survey?

Слайд 10What type of response do you expect? Let’s do some math!

sample desired ÷ expected response rate = total invites needed
Total sample desired:
220 Attendees
350 Non-attendees
Total invites needed:
Attendees: 200 ÷ 0.75 = ~300
Non-attendees: 350 ÷ 0.25 = ~1400

Слайд 11Are you thinking about breaking down the data by subgroups?
For non-attendees:

geographic area
For conference attendees: Seasoned veterans versus newbies
50 % newbies, 50% seasoned veterans
Overall sample size: 220
110 newbies
110 seasoned veterans
10% newbies, 90% seasoned veterans
Overall sample size: 220
22 newbies
198 seasoned veterans

Слайд 12YouTube:
Twitter: @SurveyMonkey; FB:
Questions? Don’t be shy!

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Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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